Welcome to Embarcadero® DB Change Manager™ 5.6 and XE

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ReadMe Last Published: November 18, 2010. Any updates to these notes will be available at http://docs.embarcadero.com.

Thank you for using Embarcadero DB Change Manager! Its compare, synchronization, data masking, and auditing capabilities let you track and report on changes, roll out new releases, and pinpoint performance problems resulting from changes to the data, schema, and database configurations. By comparing a live database to a schema or configuration “snapshot” administrators can quickly identify changes and correct problems. By monitoring configuration settings, DBAs can ensure compliance with regulatory policies and performance standards, and maintain overall database performance and availability.

What's New in Change Manager 5.6

See the DB Change Manager User Guide at http://docs.embarcadero.com/products/change_manager/ or the online help for details about the new features. Changes in the 5.6/XE release include:

Release Notes

System Requirements

Important Advisory Notes


Known Issues

Bug Fixes

System Requirements

Change Manager supports the following operating systems:

DBMS Support

Change Manager supports the following platforms.

Important Advisory Notes


DB Change Manager 5.6 should be installed in a different directory than previous versions. If DB Change Manager is installed in the same directory, the following error will result in at application start up: "Unable to read workbench state. Workbench UI layout will be reset."

If a previous version is already installed on your machine, either change the default Workspace or delete all files from the Workspace directory. The Workspace directory location appears whenever you start DB Change Manager and can be redefined from this dialog box. If the same Workspace is indicated for the new version, as was indicated previously, the following error will result: "Cannot restore workbench layout."

If DB Change Manager is already running, you can also modify the Workspace directory by choosing File > Switch Workspace > Other from the Main menu.

The format in which schema comparisons are saved has changed in 5.6. Use the import feature to import pre-5.6 schema comparison jobs.

DB Change Manager 5.6 provides an upgrade process for moving jobs and other information from an existing Change Manager 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.x and 5.5.x installations.

Upgrading from Version 5.0, 5.1.x, or 5.5.x to Version 5.6

All objects can be imported from version 5.0, 5.1.x or 5.5.x to Version 5.6.

To upgrade from 5.0, 5.1.x, or 5.5.x:

  1. Make sure that the earlier product is not running and that no command line jobs are being processed.
  2. Install and run DB Change Manager 5.6 in a different directory than the previous installation.
  3. The Welcome to DB Change Manager dialog opens with the Setup and Import data sources, jobs, and settings from a previous version import options selected.
  4. Click Get Started to launch the Import Wizard. Alternatively, you can launch the Import Wizard from the main menu:
  5. Select the version of Change Manager from which to import.
  6. Select the location of your DB Change Manager workspace. The default value is the default workspace, so you need only change this value if you configured DB Change Manager to store the workspace in a custom location.
  7. The wizard imports the items from the previous Change Manager version. Click Next to continue through each step of the wizard.
  8. Click Finish. The jobs are imported to version 5.6.

Upgrading from Version 4.0 to 5.6

The following objects can be imported from version 4.0:

The following objects cannot be imported from version 4.0:

Note: 4.0 should remain installed to access any archives and reports.

To upgrade from 4.0:

  1. To import schema comparison jobs from 4.0, obtain and install cmschema_40_932_upgrade.exe from your Embarcadero Technologies Support representative.
  2. Run cmschema_40_932_upgrade.exe to convert the schema component jobs from version 4.0 to 5.0, which uses an XML-based format.
  3. Follow the steps as described in the previous section, "Upgrading from Version 5.0, 5.1.x or 5.5.x".

Known Issues


Schema Comparison

Data Comparison

Bug Fixes

Bugs fixed in Change Manager 5.6
Bug DBMS Description
11853 All Data source Properties fields are not editable, a Connect and Disconnect has to be done in order for the fields to be enabled once more
11400 All When doing a schema archive job, the extracted DDL shows alter statements before table creation statements
13100 All DB Change Manager needs to be set to XP compatibility level to work on Windows 7
13081 All In a schema comparison job comparing two archives, the Mapping tab is not getting update when the schema overview Source and Target have "Most Recent version" selected
2870 All The most recent version is not updated when running a schema comparison job
12679 DB2 Wrong sync script when you schema compare a partitioned table space and a default table space
12678 DB2 Incorrect sync script is generated during a schema comparison of two partitioned table spaces
12633 DB2 Index, table and MQT population fails if you create them using a nickname for a remote table
13148 Oracle Selected items are deselected in the Schema Compare Resolution/Matching page when scrolling down page
13118 Oracle Identical materialized views are seen as different
13049 Oracle Schema comparison is not retrieving PK "USING INDEX" from database, although the archive job does; causes compare errors
13036 Oracle Generated sync script is not in correct order for Oracle for ALTER TABLE DROP PK and ALTER TABLE DROP RELATED INDEX statements
12852 Oracle Invalid script generated for synchronizing materialized on Oracle
12500 Oracle NPE thrown when comparing Oracle tables
12160 Oracle An error occurred while populating a table
1759 Oracle Schema archive fails for partitioned indexes on Oracle
13530 SQL Server User defined datatypes on SQL Server are not archived correctly
13105 SQL Server Incompatible status triggered when comparing views with functions on SQL Server
13101 SQL Server Invalid create script for views that use select statement aliases
13050 SQL Server Computed columns are not extracted correctly on SQL Server; spaces are trimmed
13044 SQL Server Same table with extended properties on SQL Server is seen as different
12868 SQL Server Schema comparison fails on tables with extended properties on SQL Server
12842 SQL Server Identical procedures seen as different on SQL Server
12654 SQL Server The new created PK for a pair of tables is not picked up when re-inspecting the parent databases pair in a data comparison job
12480 SQL Server Random issue with missing views in comparison task with archives
12309 SQL Server Data comparison errors: "Internal Error has occurred"
5120 SQL Server Identical identity tables are seen as different when comparing an archive against a live source
4619 SQL Server Ignore name case option generates create with columns in random order
2561 SQL Server Extended properties not included in the sync file for tables
13325 Sybase Incorrect permission script extracted on Sybase views in DS Explorer and Schema Comparison
13147 Sybase Identical tables seen as different when comparing them between a server without Sybase encryption feature and one that has the feature
13141 Sybase Command line jobs fail for Sybase 15
12649 Sybase SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is not set in front of views on Sybase when generating sync script for a comparison or archive

Additional Resources

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Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

If you have a valid maintenance contract with Embarcadero Technologies, the Embarcadero Technical Support team is available to assist you with any problems you have with our applications. Our maintenance contract also entitles registered users of Embarcadero Technologies products to download free software upgrades during the active contract period. Evaluators receive free technical support for the term of their evaluation.

We encourage you to visit the Support section of our Web site.

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To download evaluations of other Embarcadero Technologies products or to learn more about our company and our products visit us at http://www.embarcadero.com/.