Welcome to Embarcadero® All-Access™ Client 1.0.3

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Thank you for using Embarcadero All-Access Client, a comprehensive tool chest of award-winning, multi-platform Embarcadero products. All-Access Client enables you to access a wide range of applications from a single launch point, targeting the following roles:

All-Access Client is offered in three different formats, or modes, in order to provide more flexibility and convenience for organizations who want to deploy the products offered in the suite:

What's New in All-Access Client

Splash Screen Preview and Automatic Product Download

Interface Localization

Release Notes

System Requirements

Known Issues

Bug Fixes

Additional Resources

Licensing Your Embarcadero Product

Embarcadero Technologies Product Support

Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

Embarcadero Technologies on the Web

What's New in All-Access Client 1.0.3

Splash Screen Preview and Automatic Product Download

When you access a product from the Client interface that has not been downloaded from Embarcadero, a preview screen displays that product's interface and the application begins to download immediately. If you close the preview screen again, the product will continue to download in the background. This function is performed seamlessly and is provided to both demonstrate the application and begin download processes.

Interface Localization

The All-Access Client interface is now offered in four different languages: English, Japanese, German, and French. The displayed language can be changed in the interface via the Preferences panel.

Release Notes

System Requirements

All-Access Client is a Windows application with no significant requirements.

The products that are offered through the client have the same approximate memory and disk size footprints as products obtained outside of the All-Access tool set. For more detailed information on the requirements of each of these products, refer to the product documentation on an application-by-application basis.

Known Issues

The following table lists outstanding known issues for application downloads obtained via the Client.

Rapid SQL Developer

Rapid SQL Developer has the following known issues:

  • An error may occur when opening another application instance while the first instance is still open
  • On Vista, a "Java heap space" situation can arise in the InstantOn application when querying a table with a large number of records
ER/Studio Certain Help files (e.g. SAX Basic Help) cannot be launched from the InstantOn version of ER/Studio.

The JBuilder InstantOn application has the following known issues:

  • There is a performance degradation due to pending memory issues.
  • A virtualization error dialog is thrown on exit. Functionality is not affected.
  • The J Optimizer Agent Controller fails to register the process to be profiled and prompts for a restart of the controller. Anwering yes to the prompt, successfully restarts the agent controller and fixes the issue.
Interbase SMP

The Interbase SMP InstantOn application has the following known issues:

  • Launching the License Manager shows no licenses installed. This is because the License Manager tool works off of the InterBase/license directory where no license is installed. The All-Access Client installs the license to be "user locked" from where InterBase picks up at runtime.
  • Using the License Manager to add new licenses overrides existing licenses. This is because the default licensing works in "user" mode, whereas new licenses are added to the InterBase/license directory by the License Manager

DBArtisan has the following known issues:

  • When first opening the z/OS tools dialog, an error message may come up regarding and inability to create the installation object. On systems with a previous installation of Rapid SQL, the Rapid SQL installation might start. Close the message and/or the installer and reopen the dialog.
  • When opening the details window for the Bottleneck Analysis in Performance Analyst for Oracle datasources, if Rapid SQL was previously installed, the installer might start, cancel it and re-open the details page.

Additional Resources

Licensing Your Embarcadero Technologies Product

All Embarcadero Technologies products include a 14-day trial period. To continue using the product without interruption, we recommend that you license it as soon as possible. To license your product, use the License Request Wizard found in the Help menu of your respective product. If you have not yet purchased your Embarcadero Technologies product, contact [email protected], or [email protected] for sales in the EMEA region.

Embarcadero Technologies Product Support

The Embarcadero Technologies Web site is an excellent source for additional product information, including white papers, articles, discussion forums, and the Embarcadero Knowledge Base. Visit www.embarcadero.com/support, or click any of the links below, to find:

Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support

If you have a valid maintenance contract with Embarcadero Technologies, the Embarcadero Technical Support team is available to assist you with any problems you have with our applications. Our maintenance contract also entitles registered users of Embarcadero Technologies products to download free software upgrades during the active contract period. Evaluators receive free technical support for the term of their evaluation (14 days).

We encourage you to open technical support cases via the Technical Support request form. For additional information about Embarcadero Technologies Technical Support, visit the Support section of our Web site.

Embarcadero Technologies on the Web

To download evaluations of other Embarcadero Technologies products or to learn more about our company and our products visit us at www.embarcadero.com.