RAD Studio VCL Reference
Dialogs Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
TColorDialogOption and TColorDialogOptions specify options for a TColorDialog component. 
The settings in TFileDialogOption determine the behavior of a TCustomFileDialog file dialog. TFileDialogOptions is a set of TFileDialogOption. These options are the same as the options for the Microsoft IFileDialog::GetOptions and IFileDialog::SetOptions functions. 
TFileDialogOverwriteResponse indicates the application's response to an overwrite request during a save operation for a TCustomFileSaveDialog dialog. These are the same values as in the FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE enumerated type used in the Microsoft IFileDialogEvents::OnOverwrite method. 
TFileDialogShareViolationResponse indicates the application's response to a sharing violation during a file open or save for a TCustomFileDialog dialog. These are the same values as in the FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE enumerated type used in the Microsoft IFileDialogEvents::OnShareViolation method. 
TFileEditStyle indicates the type of control that appears in a file selection dialog for the file name. 
TFindOption and TFindOptions determine the controls that appear in a find dialog. 
TFontDialogDevice indicates the source from which a TFontDialog instance obtains its list of fonts. 
TFontDialogOption and TFontDialogOptions are flags that influence the appearance and behavior of a font dialog. 
TMsgDlgBtn defines a set of values used by MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos functions. 
TMsgDlgType defines values describing the type of message box. 
TOpenOption and TOpenOptions determine the behavior of a file selection dialog. 
TOpenOptionEx and TOpenOptionsEx determine the behavior of a file selection dialog. 
Specifies page setup measure unit types. 
This is record Dialogs.TPageSetupDialogOption. 
TPageType indicates the type of page being configured for printing. 
TPrintDialogOption and TPrintDialogOptions specify options for a TPrintDialog component. 
This is record Dialogs.TPrinterKind. 
TPrintRange indicates how the user specified the set of pages to print. 
TProgressBarState defines a set of values used by the State property. 
Buttons for Task Dialogs. 
Flags for Task Dialogs. 
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