RAD Studio VCL Reference
TOPToSoapDomConvert Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
Stores information about a SOAP attachment so that it is included in the final message that is created. 
This is AddMultiRefNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is AddNamespaceDecl, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is AddObjectAsWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName. 
This is CheckEncodingStyle, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ChildNodesAreNull, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertByteArrayToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertEnumToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertNativeArrayToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertObjectToSOAP, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToEnum, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToNativeArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToNativeArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSOAPToObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertSoapToVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ConvertVariantToSoap, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateMultiRefNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateNULLNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateObjectNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateScalarNodeXS, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is CreateTypedNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
Provides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data. 
This is FinalizeMultiRefNodes, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns a TSOAPAttachment instance that represent the attachment with a specified ID. 
Locates a processor to interpret or generate a specified SOAP header. 
This is FindMultiRefNodeByID, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindMultiRefNodeByInstance, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindNodeByHREF, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is FindPrefixForURI, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
Returns the parent, or if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
This is GetChildren, a member of class TComponent. 
This is GetDataNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetElementType, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). 
This is GetNewID, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetNodeAsText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetObjectPropAsText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is GetOptions, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns the owner of a component. 
Returns the owner of an object. 
This is GetTypeBySchemaNS, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Retrieves the type information for an object. 
Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). 
Initializes an instance of a remotable object to reflect the values in its SOAP representation. 
Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. 
This is IsNodeAVarArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is IsObjectWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
This is LoadObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is the overview for the MakeArrayNode method overload. 
Generates all the SOAP headers that this object knows how to create. 
This is MultiRefObject, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Creates a new empty XML document to hold the SOAP representation and returns its interface. 
This is NodeIsNULL, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
This is ObjectMemberNoShow, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Returns the SOAP representation of a remotable object. 
Responds when the component is created from the component palette. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is ReadHeader, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadRow, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadState, a member of class TComponent. 
This is ReadVarArrayDim, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ReadVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is RemoveObjectAsWriting, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is ResetMultiRef, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is the overview for the SerializationOptions method overload. 
This is SetAncestor, a member of class TComponent. 
This is SetChildOrder, a member of class TComponent. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property 
Sets the value of the Name property. 
This is SetNodeType, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is SetObjectPropFromText, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is SetOptions, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is SetParentComponent, a member of class TComponent. 
This is UnhandledNode, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
Clears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating. 
Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. 
Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. 
Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. 
Provides the interface for a method that validates an child component before it is inserted. 
Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create name conflict. 
This is WriteHeader, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteNonRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteNonRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteRectDynArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteRectDynArrayElem, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteState, a member of class TComponent. 
This is WriteVarArray, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteVarArrayAsB64, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
This is WriteVariant, a member of class TSOAPDomConv. 
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