RAD Studio VCL Reference
TBDEDataSet Members

The following tables list the members exposed by TBDEDataSet.

This is FComponentStyle, a member of class TComponent. 
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
This is ActivateBuffers, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is ActivateFilters, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is AddFieldDesc, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is AllocCachedUpdateBuffers, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is AllocKeyBuffers, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is AllocRecordBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
This is BindFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is BlockReadNext, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is BookmarkAvailable, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CachedUpdateCallBack, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CalculateFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
Sets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName. 
This is CheckActive, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CheckBiDirectional, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CheckCachedUpdateMode, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CheckFieldCompatibility, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CheckInactive, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CheckSetKeyMode, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is ClearBuffers, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is ClearCalcFields, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CloseBlob, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CloseCursor, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CreateExprFilter, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CreateFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is CreateFuncFilter, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CreateHandle, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CreateLookupFilter, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is CreateNestedDataSet, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DataConvert, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DataEvent, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is DeactivateFilters, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is DefChanged, a member of class TDataSet. 
Designates methods for storing an object's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file. 
Provides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data. 
This is DestroyFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DestroyHandle, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is DestroyLookupCursor, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is DoAfterCancel, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterClose, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterDelete, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterEdit, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterInsert, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterOpen, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterPost, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterRefresh, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoAfterScroll, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeCancel, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeClose, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeDelete, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeEdit, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeInsert, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeOpen, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforePost, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeRefresh, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoBeforeScroll, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoOnCalcFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is DoOnNewRecord, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is FieldByNumber, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is FindRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is ForceUpdateCallback, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is FreeFieldBuffers, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is FreeKeyBuffers, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is FreeRecordBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetAggRecordCount, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetAggregateValue, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetBookmarkData, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetBookmarkFlag, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetBookmarkStr, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetCalcFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetCanModify, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
Returns the parent, or if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream. 
This is GetChildren, a member of class TComponent. 
This is GetChildren, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetDataSource, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetFieldClass, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetFieldFullName, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetHandle, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). 
This is GetIndexDefs, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetIndexField, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetIndexFieldCount, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetIsIndexField, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetKeyBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetKeyExclusive, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetKeyFieldCount, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetLookupCursor, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetNextRecord, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetNextRecords, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetObjectTypeNames, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Returns the owner of a component. 
Returns the owner of an object. 
This is GetPriorRecord, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetPriorRecords, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is GetRecNo, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetRecordCount, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetRecordSize, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetStateFieldValue, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Retrieves the type information for an object. 
Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). 
This is GetUpdateRecordSet, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is GetUpdatesPending, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InitFieldDefs, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is InitFieldDefsFromFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is InitKeyBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InitRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalAddRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalCancel, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalClose, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalDelete, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalEdit, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalFirst, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalGotoBookmark, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalHandleException, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalInitFieldDefs, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalInitRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalInsert, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalLast, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalOpen, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalPost, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalRefresh, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is InternalSetToRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. 
This is IsCursorOpen, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
Initializes the component after the form file has been read into memory. 
This is LocateRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is MapsToIndex, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
This is OpenCursor, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is OpenCursorComplete, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is OpenParentDataSet, a member of class TDataSet. 
Responds when the component is created from the component palette. 
This is PostKeyBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is PrepareCursor, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is ProcessUpdates, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Ends a transaction that was started by a call to PSStartTransaction. 
Executes the SQL command associated with the dataset. 
This is the overview for the PSExecuteStatement method overload. 
Returns information that is stored in data packets as Name/Value pairs. 
Gets the SQL command to be executed by PSExecute. 
This is PSGetCommandTextW, a member of class TDataSet. 
Gets the command type to be executed by PSExecute. 
Returns the definition of an index that imposes the default order on the data included in data packets. 
Returns the definitions of all specified indexes defined for the dataset. 
Returns the names of all fields required to uniquely identify records in the data packet. 
This is PSGetKeyFieldsW, a member of class TDataSet. 
Returns the current parameter values of the dataset. 
Returns the character or characters to use in generated SQL statements to enclose quoted strings. 
This is PSGetQuoteCharW, a member of class TDataSet. 
Returns the name of the dataset table that appears in generated SQL statements. 
This is PSGetTableNameW, a member of class TDataSet. 
Generates an EUpdateError object based on another exception object. 
Indicates whether actions against the dataset occur in the context of a transaction. 
Indicates whether the dataset includes native SQL support. 
Indicates whether the dataset can execute SQL statements. 
Resets the dataset so that it is positioned on the first record. 
This is the overview for the PSSetCommandText method overload. 
Assigns the specified parameter values to the dataset. 
Starts a transaction that encapsulates all activity until a call to PSEndTransaction. 
Applies a single update to the underlying database table or tables. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is ReadState, a member of class TComponent. 
This is RefreshInternalCalcFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is ResetAggField, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is ResetCursorRange, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is RestoreState, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetActive, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetAncestor, a member of class TComponent. 
This is SetBlockReadSize, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetBookmarkData, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetBookmarkFlag, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetBookmarkStr, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetBufListSize, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetCachedUpdates, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetChildOrder, a member of class TComponent. 
This is SetChildOrder, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetCurrentRecord, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetCursorRange, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetDataSetField, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetDefaultFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
Ensures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set. 
This is SetFieldData, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is the overview for the SetFieldData method overload. 
This is SetFilterData, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetFiltered, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetFilterHandle, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetFilterOptions, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetFilterText, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetFound, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetIndexField, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Sets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property 
This is SetKeyBuffer, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetKeyExclusive, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetKeyFieldCount, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetKeyFields, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetLinkRanges, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetLocale, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetModified, a member of class TDataSet. 
Sets the value of the Name property. 
Sets the value of the Name property. 
This is SetObjectView, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetOnFilterRecord, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetOnUpdateError, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetParentComponent, a member of class TComponent. 
This is SetRecNo, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetState, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetStateFieldValue, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetTempState, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetUniDirectional, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is SetupCallBack, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetUpdateObject, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SetUpdateRecordSet, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is SwitchToIndex, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
This is TempBuffer, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is UpdateBufferCount, a member of class TDataSet. 
This is UpdateCallbackRequired, a member of class TBDEDataSet. 
Clears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating. 
This is UpdateIndexDefs, a member of class TDataSet. 
Provides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces. 
Sets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property. 
Determines whether an object can be inserted into a container. 
Provides the interface for a method that validates an child component before it is inserted. 
Ensures that renaming an owned component does not create name conflict. 
This is WriteState, a member of class TComponent. 
Indicates the index of the active record in the internal cache of records. 
Indicates the number of columns in the dataset that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields. 
Indicates the number of bytes used to represent a bookmark. 
Indicates the number of records in the internal cache. 
Provides indexed access to the record buffers in the internal cache. 
Points to the record buffer used during an OnCalcFields event. 
Indicates the number of bytes in a record buffer dedicated to storing calculated fields and lookup fields. 
Specifies record-level constraints that must be met when editing the data. 
Indicates the index of the current record in the internal cache of record buffers. 
Specifies the offset needed to convert indexes in the Fields property to field numbers. 
Indicates whether the dataset includes internally calculated fields. 
Indicates the class type to use when creating nested datasets. 
Lists all nested datasets. 
For internal use only. 
Specifies the Borland Database Engine (BDE) statement handle for the dataset. 
Occurs each time a different record in the dataset becomes the active record and filtering is enabled. 
Increments the reference count for this interface. 
Decrements the reference count for this interface. 
Returns a pointer to the buffer for the active record. 
Responds after the last constructor has executed. 
Adds a new, empty record to the end of the dataset. 
Adds a new, populated record to the end of the dataset and posts it. 
Writes a dataset's pending cached updates to the database. 
Copies the contents of another, similar object. 
Performs any necessary actions before the first destructor is called. 
Responds before the first destructor executes. 
Tests the validity of a specified bookmark. 
Cancels modifications to the current record if those changes are not yet posted. 
Clears all pending cached updates from the cache and restores the dataset its prior state. 
Automatically posts or cancels data changes when the active record changes. 
Returns a pointer to the runtime type information (RTTI) table for the object type. 
Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). 
Determines whether an object is of a specific type. 
Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. 
Returns the class reference for the object's class. 
Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. 
Clears the contents of all fields for the active record. 
Closes a dataset. 
Clears the cached updates buffer. 
Indicates the relationship between two bookmarks. 
Specifies the callback function that allows the dataset to communicate with the BDE constraint layer. 
Indicates whether constraints are enabled for a dataset. 
Indicates whether data-aware controls update their display to reflect changes to the dataset. 
This is CopyFields, a member of class TDataSet. 
Creates an instance of a TBDEDataSet component. 
Returns a TStream object for reading or writing the data in a specified blob field. 
Marks the internal cursor position as invalid. 
Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. 
Deletes the active record and positions the dataset on the next record. 
Destroys the instance of a dataset component. 
Destroys all owned components. 
Indicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed. 
Disables application of server constraints on the dataset. 
Disables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. 
Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. 
Enables editing of data in the dataset. 
Enables application of server constraints against dataset entries. 
Re-enables data display in data-aware controls associated with the dataset. 
This is ExecuteAction, a member of class TComponent. 
Retrieves all records from the current cursor position to the end of the file and stores them locally. 
Returns the address of a published object field. 
Finds a field based on its name. 
Indicates whether a given component is owned by the component. 
Searches for a specified field in the dataset. 
Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the first record, respecting any filters. 
Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the last record, respecting any filters. 
Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the next record, respecting any filters. 
Implements a virtual method for positioning the dataset on the previous record, respecting any filters. 
Moves to the first record in the dataset. 
Posts all changes that have been written to the record buffer. 
Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. 
Frees the resources allocated for a specified bookmark. 
Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the System::TObject::NewInstance method. 
Ensures that AComponent is notified that the component is going to be destroyed. 
Frees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes. 
Reads BLOB data into a buffer. 
Allocates a bookmark for the active record in the dataset. 
Returns a reference to the component associated by the implementing class. 
Retrieves the current record into a buffer. 
Fills a list with a dataset for every detail dataset that is not the value of a nested dataset field. 
Introduces a method to list the field components that link this dataset as a detail of a master dataset. 
Returns a TComponent enumerator. 
This is the overview for the GetFieldData method overload. 
This is the overview for the GetFieldData method overload. 
Retrieves a specified set of field objects into a list. 
This is the overview for the GetFieldNames method overload. 
Retrieves information about the current index into the index data fields of the dataset. 
Retrieves a specified interface. 
Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. 
Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. 
Returns a string used by the Object Inspector. 
Returns the name of the object as it appears in the Object Inspector. 
Returns the containing Component. 
Implements a virtual method to position the dataset on the record to which a specified bookmark points. 
This is HasParent, a member of class TComponent. 
Determines the relationship of two object types. 
Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. 
Inserts a new, empty record in the dataset. 
Establishes the component as the owner of a specified component. 
Inserts a new, populated record to the dataset and posts it. 
Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. 
Indicates whether the dataset contains no records. 
Indicates whether the component implements a specified interface. 
Indicates whether a dataset is linked to a specified data source. 
IsSequenced indicates whether sequence numbers are available for database records. 
Moves to the last record in the dataset. 
Searches the dataset for a specified record and makes that record the current record. 
Retrieves field values from a record that matches specified search values. 
This is MethodAddress, a member of class TObject. 
This is MethodName, a member of class TObject. 
Moves to another record relative to the active record in the dataset. 
Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. 
Moves to the next record in the dataset. 
Opens the dataset. 
Writes a modified record to the database. 
Moves to the previous record in the dataset. 
Ends a transaction that was started by a call to PSStartTransaction
Executes the SQL command associated with the dataset. 
Executes a specified SQL command. 
Returns information that is stored in data packets as Name/Value pairs. 
Gets the SQL command to be executed by PSExecute
Gets the command type to be executed by PSExecute
Returns the definition of an index that imposes the default order on the data included in data packets. 
Returns the definitions of all specified indexes defined for the dataset. 
Returns the names of all fields required to uniquely identify records in the data packet. 
Returns the current parameter values of the dataset. 
Returns the character or characters to use in generated SQL statements to enclose quoted strings. 
Returns the name of the dataset table that appears in generated SQL statements. 
Indicates whether actions against the dataset occur in the context of a transaction. 
Indicates whether the dataset includes native SQL support. 
Assigns a specified SQL command to be executed by PSExecute
Assigns the specified parameter values to the dataset. 
Starts a transaction that encapsulates all activity until a call to PSEndTransaction
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
Establishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed. 
Re-fetches data from the database to update a dataset's view of data. 
Removes a specified component specified from the component's Components list. 
Disables destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification 
Re-fetches the active record and the records that precede and follow it. 
Restores the current record in the dataset to an unmodified state when cached updates are enabled. 
Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. 
Handles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention. 
Sets the values for all fields in a record 
Identifies whether the component is a subcomponent. 
Converts a data string between the Microsoft ANSI character set, and the local code page (OEM character set). 
This is UpdateAction, a member of class TComponent. 
Positions the cursor on the active record. 
Ensures that data-aware controls and detail datasets reflect record updates. 
Reports the update status for the current record. 
Contains any aggregate fields. 
Determines how many record buffers are read in each block. 
Indicates whether the first record in the dataset is active. 
Specifies the current bookmark in the dataset. 
Determines whether BLOB fields are cached in memory. 
Indicates whether the dataset permits write access to data. 
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. 
Indicates the number of components owned by the component. 
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. 
Lists all components owned by the component. 
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. 
Governs the behavior of the component. 
Indicates the persistent TDataSetField object that owns a nested dataset. 
Represents the data source of another dataset that supplies values to the dataset. 
Indicates whether a dataset's underlying field components are generated dynamically when the dataset is opened. 
Returns a pointer to the Dataset designer for the dataset. 
Contains information used by the Form designer. 
Indicates whether a dataset is positioned at the last record. 
Indicates whether a dataset is using a dBASE expression index. 
Indicates the number of field components associated with the dataset. 
Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. 
Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. 
Lists the field components of a dataset. 
Lists all non-aggregate field components of the dataset. 
Provides access to the values for all fields in the active record for the dataset 
Specifies the text of the current filter for a dataset. 
Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a dataset. 
Specifies whether or not filtering is case insensitive, and whether or not partial comparisons are permitted when filtering records. 
Indicates whether or not moving to a different record is successful. 
Specifies the Borland Database Engine (BDE) cursor handle for the dataset. 
Indicates whether the dataset is unidirectional. 
Specifies the size of the key for the current index of the dataset. 
Identifies the Borland Database Engine (BDE) language driver for the dataset. 
Indicates whether the active record is modified. 
Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. 
Indicates the active record in the dataset. 
Indicates the total number of records associated with the dataset. 
Indicates the size of a record in the dataset. 
Determines whether a unique TField object is created for each element of an array field. 
Indicates the current operating mode of the dataset. 
Specifies the update object component used to update a read-only result set when cached updates are enabled. 
Specifies the type of records visible in a dataset when cached updates are enabled. 
Indicates whether the cached updates buffer contains records that are not yet applied. 
Represents information used internally by components that support COM. 
Occurs after an application completes a request to cancel modifications to the active record. 
Occurs after an application closes a dataset. 
Occurs after an application deletes a record. 
Occurs after an application starts editing a record. 
Occurs after an application inserts a new record. 
Occurs after an application completes opening a dataset and before any data access occurs. 
Occurs after an application writes the active record to the database or change log and returns to browse state. 
Occurs after an application refreshes the data in the dataset. 
Occurs after an application scrolls from one record to another. 
Occurs before an application executes a request to cancel changes to the active record. 
Occurs immediately before the dataset closes. 
Occurs before an application attempts to delete the active record. 
Occurs before an application enters edit mode for the active record. 
Occurs before an application enters insert mode. 
Occurs before an application executes a request to open a dataset. 
Occurs before an application posts changes for the active record to the database or change log. 
Occurs immediately before an application refreshes the data in the dataset. 
Occurs before an application scrolls from one record to another. 
Occurs when an application recalculates calculated fields. 
Occurs when an application attempts to delete a record and an exception is raised. 
Occurs when an application attempts to modify or insert a record and an exception is raised. 
Occurs when an application inserts or appends a new dataset record. 
Occurs when an application attempts to modify or insert a record and an exception is raised. 
Occurs if an exception is generated when cached updates are applied to a database. 
Occurs when cached updates are applied to a record. 
Specifies whether or not a dataset is open. 
Determines when the OnCalcFields event is triggered and when lookup field values are calculated. 
Specifies whether cached updates are enabled for a dataset. 
Specifies the name of the component as referenced in code. 
Specifies whether fields are stored hierarchically or flattened out in the Fields property. 
Stores an integer value as part of a component. 
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