RAD Studio VCL Reference
TOleControl Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Called when an application uses a component interface. 
Called when an application releases a component interface. 
This is _SetColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is _SetTColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is _SetTFontProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is _SetTOleEnumProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is _SetTPictureProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is CanInPlaceActivate, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is ContextSensitiveHelp, a member of class TOleControl. 
Creates the underlying window. 
This is DeactivateAndUndo, a member of class TOleControl. 
Provides methods to read and write the IsControl property to a stream such as a form file. 
Destroys the window created in the CreateWindowHandle method. 
This is DiscardUndoState, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is EnableModeless, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetBorder, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetByteProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetCompProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetContainer, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetCurrencyProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetDoubleProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetExtendedControl, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetIDispatchProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). 
This is GetIntegerProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetIUnknownProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetMoniker, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetOleBoolProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetOleDateProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetOleEnumProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetOleVariantProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetProperty, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetShortIntProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetSingleProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetSmallintProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetStringProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetTColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetTDateTimeProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetTFontProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetTOleEnumProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetTPictureProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
Retrieves the type information for an object. 
Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). 
This is GetVariantProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetWideStringProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetWindowContext, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetWordBoolProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is GetWordProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is InitControlData, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is InitControlInterface, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is InsertMenus, a member of class TOleControl. 
Provides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object. 
This is InvokeEvent, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is InvokeMethod, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is LockInPlaceActive, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OleControlSite_TranslateAccelerator, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OleInPlaceFrame_GetWindow, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OleInPlaceFrame_TranslateAccelerator, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OleInPlaceSite_GetWindow, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnChanged, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnControlInfoChanged, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnFocus, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnInPlaceActivate, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnInPlaceDeactivate, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnPosRectChange, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnRequestEdit, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnShowWindow, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnUIActivate, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is OnUIDeactivate, a member of class TOleControl. 
Responds to changes in the system's palette by realizing the control's palette and the palette for each child control. 
This is PictureChanged, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is PostMessageFilter, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is PreMessageFilter, a member of class TOleControl. 
Returns a reference to a specified interface if the object supports that interface. 
This is QueryService, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is RemoveMenus, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is RequestBorderSpace, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is RequestNewObjectLayout, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SaveObject, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is Scroll, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetActiveObject, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetBorderSpace, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetByteProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetCompProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetCurrencyProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetDoubleProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetIDispatchProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetIntegerProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetIUnknownProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetMenu, a member of class TOleControl. 
Sets the name of the control. 
This is SetOleBoolProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetOleDateProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetOleEnumProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetOleVariantProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
Sets the parent of the control. 
This is SetProperty, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetShortIntProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetSingleProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetSmallintProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetStatusText, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetStringProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetTColorProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetTDateTimeProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetTFontProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetTOleEnumProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetTPictureProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetVariantProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetWideStringProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetWordBoolProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SetWordProp, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is ShowObject, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is ShowPropertyFrame, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is StandardEvent, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is SuppressException, a member of class TOleControl. 
This is TransformCoords, a member of class TOleControl. 
Provides specific message responses for the control. 
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