RAD Studio VCL Reference
Sets up an association between an attribute ID and a field ID. 
Creates a new field from information stored in the Data Dictionary. 
This is function DRIntf.CurrentDictionary. 
Indicates whether there is an active Data Dictionary. 
Deactivates the Data Dictionary. 
Returns the ID of a specified attribute set. 
Returns the ID of a specified database. 
Returns the ID of a specified field. 
Returns the ID of a specified table. 
Returns the ID of the attribute set associated with a field. 
Returns the name of an attribute set given its ID. 
Executes a callback for every attribute set name. 
Returns the class associated with an attribute set. 
Indicates whether there are any data constraints for a dataset stored in the Data Dictionary. 
Indicates whether a Data Dictionary Identifier is null. 
Creates an attribute set based on the properties of a field component. 
Returns the fully qualified name of a table in the Data Dictionary. 
Returns the fully qualified name of a table in the Data Dictionary. 
Removes the association between an attribute ID and a field ID. 
Updates an attribute set to match the properties of a field component. 
Replaces all imported constraints for a dataset with the current constraints in the Data Dictionary. 
Updates a dataset and all its field components to match the Data Dictionary. 
Updates a field component to match the associated attribute set in the Data Dictionary. 
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