RAD Studio VCL Reference
TApplication is the type used for a GUI windowed application. 
TControlScrollBar displays a horizontal or vertical scroll bar. 
TCustomActiveForm is the base class for Active Forms
TCustomDockForm is the default floating dock site class for TControl objects. 
TCustomForm is the base class from which to derive a window such as a form or dialog. 
TCustomFrame is the base class from which TFrame descends. 
TForm represents a standard application window (form). 
TFrame is a container for components; it can be nested within forms or other frames. 
TGlassFrame controls Windows Vista Aero glass effects. 
TMonitor represents a monitor on which an application runs. 
TScreen represents the state of the screen in which an application runs. 
TScrollBox represents a scrolling area (a scroll box) in a window. 
TScrollingWinControl is the base class for controls that support scrolling. 
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