RAD Studio VCL Reference
WebForm Namespace

This is namespace WebForm.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
TAbstractControlRequirements lists the variables and functions that the controls in an adapter form require to generate their HTML. 
This is class WebForm.TAbstractFormRequirements. 
TAdapterActionButton generates HTML controls for executing adapter actions. 
TAdapterActionsListHelper assists a display component that represents a collection of adapter action buttons to work with the design-time editors. 
TAdapterCommandColumn generates a column of action controls in an adapter grid. 
TAdapterCommandGroup generates a group of buttons or other HTML elements that executes adapter actions. 
TAdapterControlGroup is a container for adapter display field components such as TAdapterDisplayField or TAdapterDisplayColumn
TAdapterDataDisplay is the base class for components that display adapter fields as form fields. 
TAdapterDisplayColumn displays an Adapter field in a grid. 
TAdapterDisplayField displays an Adapter field as a form field. 
TAdapterDisplayReferenceGroup is the base class for components that generate HTML controls that refer to a control which displays data from an adapter. 
TAdapterEditColumn displays an adapter field as a form field in a grid. 
TAdapterErrorList is the error list display component. 
TAdapterFieldGroup is a container for Adapter display field components such as TAdapterDisplayField. TAdapterFieldGroup labels and fields in an HTML form. 
TAdapterForm generates an HTML form displaying Adapter fields. 
This is class WebForm.TAdapterFormLayout. 
TAdapterGrid is a container for Adapter display field components such as TAdapterDisplayColumn. TAdapterGrid generates an HTML table. 
TControlRequirements lists the variables and functions that the controls in an adapter form require to generate their HTML. 
TCustomAdapterActionButton is the base class for Web items that generate HTML controls for executing adapter actions. 
TCustomAdapterCommandColumn is the base class for components that generate a column of action controls in an adapter grid. 
TCustomAdapterCommandGroup is the base class for TAdapterCommandGroup
TCustomAdapterDisplayColumn is the base class for the grid display of adapter field data. 
TCustomAdapterDisplayField is the base class for the free-form display and editing of adapter field data. 
TCustomAdapterEditColumn is the base class for components that display adapter fields as form fields in grids. 
TCustomAdapterErrorList is the base class adapter for components that display error lists. 
TCustomAdapterFieldGroup manages a collection of Web Items that generate a group of HTML controls. 
TCustomAdapterForm is the base class for components that generate an HTML form for an adapter page producer. 
TCustomAdapterGrid is the base class for Web items that generate an HTML table to display a datasetin an XML data packet or web application. 
This is class WebForm.TDesigntimeWarnings. 
This is class WebForm.TGeneratedFunctions. 
This is constant WebForm.sDisplayText. 
This is constant WebForm.sFieldText. 
This is constant WebForm.sFormGet. 
This is constant WebForm.sFormPost. 
This is constant WebForm.sMultipartForm. 
This is function WebForm.CalcDisplayFieldHTMLElementType. 
This is function WebForm.CalcDisplayFieldViewMode. 
This is function WebForm.FindVariablesContainer. 
This is function WebForm.FindVariablesContainerInParent. 
This is function WebForm.GetAdapterModeOfAdapterInParent. 
This is function WebForm.MakeAdapterHTMLName. 
This is function WebForm.MakeAdapterVariableName. 
This is class WebForm.IAdapterDisplay. 
This is class WebForm.IGetAdapterFormLayout. 
This is class WebForm.IGetAdapterModeOfDisplay. 
This is class WebForm.IGetAdapterOfDisplay. 
This is class WebForm.IGetAdapterVariableName. 
This is class WebForm.IGetControlRequirements. 
This is class WebForm.IGetFormRequirements. 
This is class WebForm.IGetVariablesContainerOfDisplay. 
TActionButtonHideOptions indicates when a control to represent an adapter action should not be generated. 
This is record WebForm.TColumnHTMLElementType. 
TCommandHTMLElementType identifies an HTML control type that can be used execute an adapter action. 
TDisplayFieldHideOptions indicates when a control to represent a dataset field should not be generated. 
TDisplayFieldHTMLElementType identifies an HTML type that can be used to display the value(s) associated with an adapter field. 
TDisplayFieldViewMode indicates the mode in which an adapter field's value is displayed. 
TInputFieldHTMLElementType identifies an HTML type that can be used to display the value(s) associated with an adapter field. 
This is record WebForm.TLayoutState. 
This is type WebForm.TActionButtonHideOptions. 
This is type WebForm.TAdapterDataDisplayClass. 
This is type WebForm.TDisplayFieldHideOptions. 
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