RAD Studio VCL Reference
DBTables Namespace

This is namespace DBTables.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EDBEngineError is the exception class for Borland Database Engine errors. 
ENoResultSet is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to open a dataset query. 
TBatchMove performs database operations on groups of records or entire tables. 
TBDECallback is a wrapper for a Borland Database Engine (BDE) callback function. 
Encapsulates Borland Database Engine (BDE) functionality for descendant dataset objects. 
TBlobStream is a stream object that provides services which allow applications to read from or write to field objects that represent Binary large object (BLOB) fields. 
TDatabase provides discrete control over a connection to a single database in a BDE-based database application. 
TDataSetUpdateObject is a base class for update objects used to update otherwise unupdatable queries or stored procedures in applications that cache updates. 
TDBDataSet encapsulates database connectivity for descendant dataset objects. 
TDBError represents Borland Database Engine errors for the EDBEngineError exception class. 
This is class DBTables.TIndexFiles. 
TNestedTable encapsulates a dataset that is nested as a field within another table. 
TParamList manages a list of session parameters. 
TQuery represents a dataset with a result set that is based on an SQL statement. 
TSession provides global management of a group of database connections in an application. 
TSessionList manages one or more Borland Database Engine (BDE) sessions in a database application. 
TSQLUpdateObject is the base class for classes that use an SQL command to apply cached updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that can't post updates directly. 
TStoredProc encapsulates a stored procedure in a BDE-based application. 
TTable encapsulates a database table. 
TUpdateSQL applies cached updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that can't post updates directly. 
This is constant DBTables.BlobTypeMap. 
This is constant DBTables.cmAll. 
This is constant DBTables.cmPersistent. 
This is constant DBTables.cmSession. 
This is constant DBTables.cmVirtual. 
This is constant DBTables.DataTypeMap. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfDatabase. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfExecProc. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfExecSQL. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfFieldList. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfIndexList. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfOpened. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfPrepared. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfProcDesc. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfProvider. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfStoredProc. 
This is constant DBTables.dbfTable. 
This is constant DBTables.FldSubTypeMap. 
This is constant DBTables.FldTypeMap. 
This is constant DBTables.smTraceBufSize. 
Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. 
Converts a string from the ANSI character set to the character set associated with a given locale. 
Determines whether a value returned from the Borland Database Engine (BDE) represents an error condition. 
Creates and raises an EDBEngineError exception for an error code returned by the Borland Database Engine (BDE). 
This is function DBTables.GetFieldSource. 
Compares strings based on a database locale case sensitively. 
Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale case sensitively. 
Compares strings based on a database locale without case sensitivity. 
Compares null-terminated strings based on a database locale and is not case sensitive. 
Converts a string from the character set of the given locale to the ANSI character set. 
Converts a string from the character set of a specified locale into the ANSI character set. 
This is function DBTables.RegisterBDEInitProc. 
TBatchMode indicates the type of batch operation to be performed on a database table. 
This is record DBTables.TBDEKeyBuffer. 
This is record DBTables.TBDERecInfo. 
This is record DBTables.TConfigModes. 
This is record DBTables.TDatabaseEvent. 
Indicates how a Paradox or dBASE table can be locked. 
This is record DBTables.TParamBindMode. 
This is record DBTables.TRecNoStatus. 
This is record DBTables.TServerDesc. 
This is record DBTables.TTableType. 
This is record DBTables.TTraceFlag. 
This is record DBTables.TTransIsolation. 
This is type DBTables.PKeyBuffer. 
This is type DBTables.PRecInfo. 
This is type DBTables.TBDECallbackEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TBDEInitProc. 
This is type DBTables.TBlobDataArray. 
This is type DBTables.TConfigMode. 
This is type DBTables.TDatabaseLoginEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TDatabaseNotifyEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TDBFlags. 
This is type DBTables.TFieldDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TIndexDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TIndexName. 
TLocale is the type for the Locale or DBLocale property. 
This is type DBTables.TPasswordEvent. 
This is type DBTables.TServerDescList. 
This is type DBTables.TSPParamDescList. 
TTraceFlags and TTraceFlags indicate the types of messages that pass between an application and the InterBase server. 
This is type DBTables.TValCheckList. 
This is variable DBTables.GetObjectContextProc. 
Maintains database components used by an application. 
Provides access to TSessionList methods and properties. 
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