RAD Studio VCL Reference
Fills the list with lines of text read from a stream. 
Writes the value of the Text property to a stream object. 
Registers an expert so that it is installed when a package is installed. 
Sets the value of ReadyState. 
SetSpinCount sets the number of times that Enter attempts to lock the specified object. 
System::AutoCmd represents a command that can be executed by an Automation interface wrapped by a Variant class. 
Frees an System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object. 
System::AutoCmd::AutoCmds an instance of System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd for a specified method. 
System::AutoCmd::Clears any assigned parameters and blanks the name of the associated method. 
Clears any assigned parameters. 
Blanks the name of the associated method. 
Returns the number of positional arguments that have been assigned. 
Returns the type of a parameter value. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object. 
Returns the name of the interface method this System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object represents. 
Returns the number of named arguments that have been assigned. 
Returns the type of a named parameter value. 
Returns the value of a named parameter. 
Returns the named of a named parameter value. 
Returns the value of a positional parameter. 
Indicates whether the method represented by the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object has a return value. 
Sets the name of the method the System::AutoCmd::AutoCmd object represents. 
System::Function represents a method on an Automation interface that returns a value. 
Creates an instance of System::Function for a specified method. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::Function::Function object. 
Indicates that the interface method returns a value. 
System::NamedParm represents a named parameter assigned to a TAutoCmd descendant. 
Returns the value of the parameter. 
Returns the name of the parameter. 
Returns the type of the parameter’s value. 
Creates an instance of System::NamedParm::NamedParm for a specified method. 
Converts the System::OleVariant to a reference to a Byte value. 
Creates an System::OleVariant array: 
Converts the System::OleVariant to an unsigned short value. 
Converts the System::OleVariant to a VARIANT value. 
Returns a WideString object that is a conversion of this System::OleVariant
System::PModuleUnloadProc is a pointer to a TModuleUnloadProc variable. 
System::Procedure represents a method on an Automation interface that does not return a value. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::Procedure::Procedure object. 
Creates an instance of System::Procedure::Procedure for a specified method. 
Indicates that the interface method does not return a value. 
System::PropertyGet represents a property access method on an Automation interface. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::PropertyGet object. 
Indicates that the interface method returns a value. 
System::PropertySet represents a property access method on an Automation interface. 
Indicates the type of the interface method represented by the System::PropertySet object. 
Indicates that the interface method does not return a value. 
System::Set is a C++ template for emulating the set types found in Delphi. 
Returns a new System::Set object that is the difference between two System::Sets. 
Compares two System::Set objects for inequality. 
Streams in a specified System::Set
Assigns the System::Set object the intersection of its own data and that of the System::Set object specified by rhs
Returns a new System::Set object that is the union of two System::Set objects. 
Assigns the System::Set object the union of its own data and that of the System::Set object specified by rhs
Streams out a specified System::Set
Adds a specified element to the System::Set
Assigns the contents of rhs to System::Set object. 
Assigns the System::Set object the difference between its own data and that of the System::Set object specified by rhs
Compares two System::Set objects for equality. 
Removes a specified element from the set. 
Removes all elements from the System::Set object. 
Queries whether the System::Set contains a specific element. 
Queries whether the System::Set contains any members. 
Creates and initializes a System::Set object. 
Creates an OLE Automation object with the programmatic identifier specified by ProgID and returns it as a System::Variant::Variant
System::Variant::Executes an OLE procedure, function, or a property Get or Set method. 
Retrieves a reference to an IDispatch interface of a currently running, registered OLE Automation object, and returns it as a System::Variant::Variant
Provides an alternate syntax for OLE Automation calls to Exec(). 
Provides alternative syntax to OLE Automation calls to Exec(). 
Returns the value of a property on a COM interface. 
Sets the value of a property on a COM interface. 
Converts the System::Variant::Variant to the specified type and sets the varByRef bit, meaning that the variant contains a reference as opposed to a value. 
Converts null-terminated string to an AnsiString (long string). 
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of STR2 in STR1. 
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