RAD Studio VCL Reference
RibbonStyleActnCtrls Namespace Structs, Records, Enums
Structs, Records, Enums
Elements of Ribbon that need to be skinned. 
Individual skinned items of Application Menu. 
Individual skinned items of Button. 
This is record RibbonStyleActnCtrls.TSkinCheckBox. 
Individual skinned items of Combo. 
Individual skinned items of Form. 
Individual skinned items of Gallery. 
Individual skinned items of Menu. 
Individual skinned items of Quick Access Toolbar. 
This is record RibbonStyleActnCtrls.TSkinRadioButton. 
Individual skinned items of Ribbon
Individual skinned items of Group. 
Individual skinned items of ScrollBar. 
Individual skinned items of Spinner. 
Individual skinned items of Status Bar. 
Individual skinned items of Tab. 
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