RAD Studio VCL Reference
DBAdapt Namespace Types
TDataAdapterFieldValidateValueEvent is the type for event handlers that validate the value assigned to a dataset adapter field. 
This is type DBAdapt.TDataSetAdapterFieldFlags. 
TDataSetAdapterFieldGetStringEvent is the type for event handlers that provide a string associated with a dataset adapter field. 
TDataSetAdapterFieldGetValueEvent is the type for event handlers that provide the value associated of a dataset adapter field. 
TDataSetAdapterFieldValueEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a new value that is assigned to a dataset adapter field. 
This is type DBAdapt.TDataSetAdapterImageFieldClass. 
This is type DBAdapt.TDataSetAdapterModes. 
This is type DBAdapt.TDataSetAdapterRequestParamOptions. 
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