RAD Studio VCL Reference
ComObj Namespace Classes
EOleError is the exception class for low-level OLE errors. 
EOleException is the exception class for OLE automation errors that occur in methods or properties of an object. 
EOleRegistrationError is the exception class for errors that occur when registering an OLE object. 
EOleSysError is the exception class for errors specific to the OLE IDispatch interface. 
TAutoIntfObject implements the IDispatch and ISupportErrorInfo interfaces. 
TAutoObject is a CoClass that supports the IDispatch interface, and that can be used as a base class for ActiveX Automation servers. 
TAutoObjectFactory is the class factory for TAutoObject
TComClassManager is the class type of the ComClassManager variable in the ComObj unit. 
TComObject is the base class for creating simple COM classes, such as those used for creating Shell extensions. 
TComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TComObject class. 
TComServerObject is the abstract base class for TComServer. 
TTypedComObject supports the IProvideClassInfo interface and is the class type for COM objects that can provide the type information without requiring a type library to be loaded. 
TTypedComObjectFactory is the type of the class factory object used to instantiate a TypedComObject class. 
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