RAD Studio VCL Reference
TCustomClientDataSet Properties Protected Properties
Protected Properties
Lists all aggregates that apply to the client dataset. 
Specifies whether the client dataset calculates and maintains aggregate values. 
Determines when the OnCalcFields event is triggered and when lookup field values are calculated. 
Specifies an SQL command to be executed by the database server. 
Specifies record-level constraints that must be met when editing the data. 
Specifies whether trailing spaces are trimmed from field values when records are posted. 
Specifies the interface the client dataset uses to communicate with classes in Midas.dll or Midaslib.dcu (on Windows) or midas.so (on Linux). 
Provides access to the interface for the client dataset's data cursor. 
Indicates whether to fetch data packets from the provider on an as-needed basis. 
Points to the list of field definitions for the dataset. 
Specifies the text of the current filter. 
Specifies whether or not filtering is active for a dataset. 
Specifies whether or not filtering is case insensitive, and whether or not partial comparisons are permitted when filtering records. 
Contains information about the indexes for a client dataset. 
Identifies an index for the client dataset. 
This is IsClone, a member of class TCustomClientDataSet. 
Specifies a data source component for the master dataset when establishing a detail-master relationship between this dataset and another one. 
Specifies whether fields are stored hierarchically or flattened out in the Fields property. 
Contains parameter values that are sent to the provider. 
Indicates whether the client dataset has all of its data. 
Specifies whether the client dataset is read-only for this application. 
Indicates whether field and index definitions are saved with the client dataset. 
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