RAD Studio VCL Reference
TAdapterSubComponent Methods Protected Methods
Protected Methods
Indicates whether an object of a specified type can be added to this collection. 
Stops the TAdapterSubComponent object from iterating over the Web items it lists. 
Returns the item from this list with a specified variable name. 
Returns the item from this list with a specified variable name. 
Returns the Web module that contains a specified item from this list. 
Returns the current field or action from the list when an enumerator is iterating over child items. 
Returns a list of actions or fields that are used by default if an application does not explicitly assign child items to this object. 
Returns a child item from this list, given its position in the list of child items with variable names. 
Indicates the number of items in this list that can be accessed from server-side script. 
Returns the value of the VariablesInUse property. 
Returns a string that indicates the type of items in this collection. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the CanAddClass method. 
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetWebComponentNodeName method. 
Changes the current object to the next item that has a variable name. 
Notifies the associated adapter when the list of items changes. 
Sets the list of Web items that are used by default if an application does not explicitly assign child items to this object. 
Introduces a method to associate this component with an adapter. 
Makes the first child item with a variable name the current object. 
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