RAD Studio VCL Reference
IWebBrowser Methods Public Methods
Public Methods
Returns the value of Application
Returns the value of Application
Returns the value of Container
Returns the value of Document
Returns the value of Height
Returns the value of Left
Returns the value of LocationName
Returns the value of LocationURL
Returns the value of Parent
Returns the value of Top
Returns the value of TopLevelContainer
Returns the value of type_
Returns the value of Width
Navigates to the previous item in the history list. 
Navigates to the next item in the history list. 
Navigates to the current start page. 
Navigates to the current search page. 
Navigates to a resource identified by a path name or URL. 
Reloads the current document. 
Reloads the current document if necessary. 
Modifies the object height in pixels. 
Modifies the X axis coordinate of the left edge of the window. 
Modifies the Y axis coordinate of the upper edge of the window. 
Modifies the object width in pixels. 
Stops the current operation. 
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