RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSoapDataModule Members Public Properties
Public Properties
Specifies the interface reference implemented by the component. 
Indicates the number of components owned by the component. 
Indicates the position of the component in its owner's Components property array. 
Lists all components owned by the component. 
Describes the current state of the component, indicating when a component needs to avoid certain actions. 
Governs the behavior of the component. 
Contains information used by the Form designer. 
Specifies the design offset for the data module at design time. 
Specifies the design size for the data module at design time. 
Indicates the component that is responsible for streaming and freeing this component. 
Indicates the number of providers registered with the SOAP data module. 
Lists the registered provider components that are contained in the SOAP data module. 
Reference counts the data module's interface. 
Represents information used internally by components that support COM. 
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