RAD Studio VCL Reference
TParam Members Protected Methods
Protected Methods
This is AssignParam, a member of class TParam. 
Copies the properties of an object to a destination object. 
Updates the collection to reflect changes to the collection item. 
Provides an interface for a method that reads and writes otherwise unpublished data. 
This is GetAsAnsiString, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsBCD, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsBoolean, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsBytes, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsCurrency, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsDataset, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsDateTime, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsFloat, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsFMTBCD, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsInteger, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsLargeInt, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsLongWord, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsMemo, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsParams, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsSQLTimeStamp, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsStream, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsString, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsVariant, a member of class TParam. 
This is GetAsWideString, a member of class TParam. 
Returns the name of the collection item as it appears in the collection editor. 
This is GetIsNull, a member of class TParam. 
Returns the collection to which this item belongs. 
Returns the owner of an object. 
This is IsEqual, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsAnsiString, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsBCD, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsBlob, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsBoolean, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsByte, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsBytes, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsCurrency, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsDataSet, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsDate, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsDateTime, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsFloat, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsFMTBCD, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsInteger, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsLargeInt, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsLongWord, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsMemo, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsParams, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsShortInt, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsSmallInt, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsSQLTimeStamp, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsStream, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsString, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsTime, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsVariant, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsWideString, a member of class TParam. 
This is SetAsWord, a member of class TParam. 
Sets the value of the Collection property. 
This is SetDataType, a member of class TParam. 
Sets the name of the collection item as it appears in the collection editor. 
Moves the collection item to a specified position in the parent collection. 
This is SetText, a member of class TParam. 
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