RAD Studio VCL Reference
System Namespace

This is namespace System.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
The following table lists macros in this documentation. 
System::AnsiStringBase is the base class for the C++ analog of the Delphi long string type. 
System::AnsiStringT is the C++ analog for the Delphi long string type. 
System::Currency is the C++ implementation of the Delphi System::Currency data type. 
This is class System::CurrencyBase. 
System::DelphiInterface is a C++ implementation of the Delphi interface. 
System::DynamicArray is the C++ analog for the Delphi dynamic array type. 
This is class System::DynArrayException. 
This is class System::DynArrayNullData. 
This is class System::DynArrayOutOfRange. 
System::OleVariant is a C++ implementation of the Delphi intrinsic type System::OleVariant. 
This is class System::SmallString. 
This is class System::SmallStringBase. 
This is class System::sPointer. 
System::TAggregatedObject provides the functionality for an inner object of an aggregate by implementing the IInterface methods to delegate to the controlling IInterface
This is class System.TClassHelperBase. 
System::TContainedObject implements the IInterface interface as an inner object in an aggregate. 
System::TDateTime is the C++ analog for the Delphi System::TDateTime data type. 
This is class System::TDateTimeBase. 
System::TInterfacedObject is a base for simple classes that need a basic IInterface implementation. 
System::TMetaClass is the C++ representation of the Delphi class-reference type. 
TMonitor provides methods for synchronizing the access of several threads to a single object. 
System::TObject is the ultimate ancestor of all objects and components. 
System::UnicodeString is the C++ analog for the Delphi UnicodeString type. 
System::Variant is a C++ implementation of the Delphi intrinsic type System::Variant. 
System::WideString represents strings of 16-bit characters. 
Designates the version number of the Delphi compiler. 
This is constant System.CPUi386. 
This is constant System.CPUi486. 
This is constant System.CPUPentium. 
This is constant System.E_NOINTERFACE. 
This is constant System.E_NOTIMPL. 
This is constant System.E_UNEXPECTED. 
This is constant System.fmClosed. 
This is constant System.fmInOut. 
This is constant System.fmInput. 
This is constant System.fmOutput. 
This is constant System.hfFieldSize. 
This is constant System.hfMonitorOffset. 
This is constant System.INFINITE. 
The maximum value of the Integer data type. 
The maximum value of the Longint data type. 
NumSmallBlockTypes is the number of small memory block types employed by the default memory manager. 
opAdd defines an addition operation. 
opAnd defines a logical and operation. 
opCmpEQ defines an equality comparison operator. 
opCmpGE defines a greater than or equal comparison operator. 
opCmpGT defines a greater than comparison operator. 
opCmpLE defines a less than or equal comparison operator. 
opCmpLT defines a less than comparison operator. 
opCmpNE defines an inequality comparison operator. 
opCompare defines a comparison operation. 
opDivide defines a divide operation. 
opIntDivide defines an integer divide operation. 
opModulus defines a modulus operation. 
opMultiply defines a multiply operation. 
opNegate defines a negate operation. 
opNot defines a binary negation operation. 
opOr defines a logical or operation. 
opShiftLeft defines a bitwise shift left operation. 
opShiftRight defines a bitwise shift right operation. 
opSubtract defines a subtraction operation. 
opXor defines a logical exclusive or operation. 
Designates the version number of the Delphi runtime library. 
This is constant System.S_FALSE. 
This is constant System.S_OK. 
Represents the character(s) used to generate a line feed. 
This is constant System.tfCRLF. 
Represents a Variant that can hold any value. 
Represents a Variant that holds dynamic array data. 
Represents a Variant that holds WordBool data. 
Represents a Variant that points to another variable. 
Represents a Variant that holds byte data. 
Represents a Variant that holds a monetary floating point value. 
Represents a Variant that holds a TDateTime value. 
Represents a Variant that has been assigned an IDispatch value. 
Represents a Variant that holds a floating point value. 
Represents a Variant that has not yet been assigned a value. 
Represents a Variant that holds a 32 bit error code. 
Represents a Variant that holds Int64 data. 
Represents a Variant that holds Integer data. 
Represents a Variant that holds LongWord data. 
Represents a Variant that holds a null value. 
Represents a Variant that has been assigned a COM interface type string value. 
Represents a Variant that holds ShortInt data. 
Represents a Variant that holds byte data. 
Represents a Variant that holds Smallint data. 
Represents a Variant that has holds a COM compatible string value. 
Represents a Variant that holds string data. 
Defines a mask for filtering out the meta data part of a Variant data type. 
This is constant System.varUInt64. 
Represents a Variant that holds an unknown value. 
This is constant System.varUString. 
Represents a Variant data type. 
Represents a Variant that holds Word data. 
This is constant System.vmtAddRef. 
This is constant System.vmtAfterConstruction. 
This is constant System.vmtAutoTable. 
This is constant System.vmtBeforeDestruction. 
This is constant System.vmtClassName. 
This is constant System.vmtCreateObject. 
This is constant System.vmtDefaultHandler. 
This is constant System.vmtDestroy. 
This is constant System.vmtDispatch. 
This is constant System.vmtDynamicTable. 
This is constant System.vmtEquals. 
This is constant System.vmtFieldTable. 
This is constant System.vmtFreeInstance. 
This is constant System.vmtGetHashCode. 
This is constant System.vmtInitTable. 
This is constant System.vmtInstanceSize. 
This is constant System.vmtIntfTable. 
This is constant System.vmtMethodTable. 
This is constant System.vmtNewInstance. 
This is constant System.vmtParent. 
This is constant System.vmtQueryInterface. 
This is constant System.vmtRelease. 
This is constant System.vmtSafeCallException. 
This is constant System.vmtSelfPtr. 
This is constant System.vmtToString. 
This is constant System.vmtTypeInfo. 
vtAnsiString defines an AnsiString TVarData VType value. 
vtBoolean defines a Boolean TVarData VType value. 
vtChar defines a Char TVarData VType value. 
vtClass defines a TClass TVarData VType value. 
vtCurrency defines a Currency TVarData VType value. 
vtExtended defines an Extended TVarData VType value. 
vtInt64 defines an Int64 TVarData VType value. 
vtInteger defines an Integer TVarData VType value. 
vtInterface defines an Interface pointer TVarData VType value. 
vtObject defines a TObject TVarData VType value. 
vtPChar defines a PChar TVarData VType value. 
vtPointer defines a Pointer TVarData VType value. 
vtPWideChar defines a PWideChar TVarData VType value. 
vtString defines a String TVarData VType value. 
This is constant System.vtUnicodeString. 
vtString defines a Variant TVarData VType value. 
vtWideChar defines a WideChar TVarData VType value. 
vtWideString defines a WideString TVarData VType value. 
Returns an absolute value. 
Retains access to exception object. 
AddModuleUnloadProc adds a call to your defined routine when a package is unloaded. 
AddModuleUnloadProc adds a call to your defined routine when a package is unloaded. 
Returns a pointer to a specified object. 
AllocMem allocates a memory block and initializes each byte to zero. 
Converts a string encoded in Ansi to UTF-8. 
Prepares an existing file for adding text to the end. 
Calculates the arctangent of a given number. 
Tests whether a Boolean expression is true. 
Tests whether a Boolean expression is true. 
Tests for a nil (unassigned) pointer or procedural variable. 
Associates the name of an external file with a file variable. 
Attempts to use a shared memory manager. 
Spawns a separate thread of execution. 
Reads one or more records from an open file into a variable. 
Reads one or more records from an open file into a variable. 
Writes one or more records from a variable to an open file. 
Writes one or more records from a variable to an open file. 
Causes the flow of control to exit a for, while, or repeat statement. 
Changes the current directory. 
Changes the current directory. 
This is function System::CheckSafecallResult. 
Returns the character for a specified ASCII value. 
Terminates the association between a file variable and an external file. 
Terminates the association between file variable and an external disk file. 
Converts a Comp value to a Currency value. 
Converts a Comp value to a double value. 
Concatenates two or more strings into one. 
Concatenates two or more strings into one. 
Concatenates two or more strings into one. 
Allows the flow of control to proceed to the next iteration of for, while, or repeat statements. 
Returns a substring of a string or a segment of a dynamic array. 
Calculates the cosine of an angle. 
Converts a Currency value to a Comp value. 
Decrements a variable by 1 or N. 
Decrements a variable by 1 or N. 
Removes a substring from a string. 
Releases memory allocated for a dynamic variable. 
Converts a double value to a Comp. 
This is function System.DynArrayClear. 
This is function System.DynArrayDim. 
This is function System.DynArraySetLength. 
Terminates the execution of a thread. 
Executes a callback for all the modules in an application. 
Executes a callback for all the modules in an application. 
Executes a callback for all resource modules in an application. 
Executes a callback for all resource modules in an application. 
Tests whether the file position is at the end of a file. 
Tests whether the file position is at the end of a file. 
Tests whether the file position is at the end of a file. 
Tests whether the file pointer is at the end of a line. 
Tests whether the file pointer is at the end of a line. 
Deletes an external file. 
Error is used to generate a run-time exception. 
Returns the address at which the current exception was raised. 
Returns current exception object. 
Removes an element from a Delphi set or removes an event handler in .NET applications. 
Exits from the current procedure. 
Returns the exponential of X. 
Returns the exponential of X. 
Returns the current file position. 
Returns the number of records in a file. 
Fills contiguous bytes with a specified value. 
Uninitializes a dynamically allocated variable. 
Uninitializes a dynamically allocated variable. 
Returns the instance handle for the module in which a class type is defined. 
This is function System::FindDynaInst. 
Returns the instance handle of the module that contains a specified address. 
Returns the instance handle of the resource module associated with a specified HInstance
Empties the buffer of a text file opened for output. 
This is function System.FPower10. 
Returns the fractional part of a real number. 
FreeMem frees a memory block. 
FreeMem frees a memory block. 
FreeMemory frees a memory block. 
Returns the value of the 8087 code word. 
Returns the current directory. 
Returns the current status of the memory manager. 
Returns the last error reported by an operating system API call. 
GetMem allocates a memory block. 
GetMemory allocates a memory block. 
Returns the entry points of the currently installed memory manager. 
Returns the entry points of the currently installed memory manager. 
Fetches state information for the Memory Manager. 
Fetches the memory map. 
Gets the minimum memory block alignment. 
Returns the fully qualified name for a module, given its handle. 
Returns the entry points of the routines that define variant behavior. 
Initiates abnormal termination of a program. 
Initiates abnormal termination of a program. 
Returns the high-order byte of X as an unsigned value. 
Returns the highest value in the range of an argument. 
Increments an ordinal value by one or N. 
Increments an ordinal value by one or N. 
Adds an element to a Delphi set or adds an event handler in .NET applications. 
Initializes a dynamically allocated variable. 
Initializes a dynamically allocated variable. 
Inserts a substring into a string beginning at a specified point. 
Returns the integer part of a real number. 
Returns the status of the last I/O operation performed. 
Indicates whether the memory manager has been overridden using the SetMemoryManager procedure. 
Indicates whether variant support is implemented in an application. 
Returns the number of characters in a string or elements in an array. 
Returns the natural log of a real expression. 
Returns the low order Byte of argument X. 
This is function System.LoadResourceModule. 
This is function System::LoadResourceString. 
This is function System.LoadResString. 
Returns the lowest value in a range. 
This is function System.Mark. 
This is function System.MemoryBarrier. 
Creates a new subdirectory. 
Creates a new subdirectory. 
Prohibits the access of all other threads but the calling one to the specified object. 
Releases a lock of the calling thread on the specified object. 
Notifies the next thread in the waiting queue that it will be able to lock the specified object as soon as the calling thread releases it. 
Signals all threads in the waiting queue that either one of them will be able to lock the specified object as soon as the calling thread releases it. 
Attempts to lock the specified object, so that only the calling thread is able to access it. 
Drops the lock on the specified object and puts the calling thread in the waiting queue for a specified amount of time. 
Copies bytes from a source to a destination. 
Copies bytes from a source to a destination. 
Creates a new dynamic variable and sets P to point to it. 
Returns true if argument is an odd number. 
Copies data received from a COM interface to a string. 
Copies a string from its COM representation to an existing Delphi string.  
Copies a string from its COM representation to an existing Delphi string.  
Returns the ordinal value of an ordinal-type expression. 
Returns the number of parameters passed on the command line. 
Returns a specified parameter from the command-line. 
Returns 3.1415926535897932385. 
Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. 
Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. 
Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. 
Returns the predecessor of the argument. 
Converts a specified address to a pointer. 
Converts a UCS4 string to a null-terminated array of UCS4 characters. 
This is function System.RaiseList. 
Generates random numbers within a specified range. 
Generates random numbers within a specified range. 
Initializes the random number generator with a random value. 
Read reads data from a file. 
Read reads data from a file. 
Read reads data from a file. 
Read reads data from a file. 
Reads a line of text from a file. 
Reads a line of text from a file. 
Reads a line of text from a file. 
Reads a line of text from a file. 
ReallocMem reallocates a memory block. 
ReallocMemory resizes a memory block. 
Registers an expected memory leak. 
Registers the specified module. 
This is function System.Release. 
Releases exception object acquired by AcquireExceptionObject
RemoveModuleUnloadProc removes a call to your defined routine when a package is unloaded. 
RemoveModuleUnloadProc removes a call to your defined routine when a package is unloaded. 
Changes the name of an external file. 
Changes the name of an external file. 
Opens an existing file. 
Opens an existing file. 
Opens an existing file. 
Opens an existing file. 
Creates a new file and opens it. 
Creates a new file and opens it. 
Deletes an empty subdirectory. 
Deletes an empty subdirectory. 
Returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. 
Stops execution and generates a runtime error. 
Stops execution and generates a runtime error. 
Moves the current position of a file to a specified component. 
Returns the end-of-file status of a file, ignoring whitespace. 
Returns the end-of-file status of a file, ignoring whitespace. 
Returns the end-of-line status of a file, ignoring whitespace. 
Returns the end-of-line status of a file, ignoring whitespace. 
Sets both the control word in the floating point unit and the variable NoErrMsg declared in the system unit. 
This is function System.SetCodePage. 
This is function System.SetInOutRes. 
SetLastError sets the last API error code. 
Sets the length of a string or dynamic-array variable. 
Determines the end-of-line and end-of-file conventions for text file I/O. 
Sets entry points of the memory manager. 
Sets entry points of the memory manager. 
Sets the minimum memory block alignment. 
Sets the code page used internally whenever multibyte characters are converted to/from WideChar. 
This is function System.SetRaiseList. 
Sets the contents and length of the given string. 
Assigns an I/O buffer to a text file. 
Assigns an I/O buffer to a text file. 
Sets the entry points of routines that define variant behavior. 
Shares the module's memory manager. 
Returns the sine of the angle in radians. 
Returns the number of bytes occupied by a variable or type. 
Returns a sub-section of an array. 
Returns the square of a number. 
Returns the square of a number. 
Returns the square root of X. 
Formats a string and returns it to a variable. 
Formats a string and returns it to a variable. 
Returns the code page associated with the string. 
Returns the code page associated with the string. 
Returns the number of bytes that represent a character in the string. 
Returns the number of bytes that represent a character in the string. 
Returns a string with a specified number of repeating characters. 
Returns a string with a specified number of repeating characters. 
Returns the reference count of a string. 
Returns the reference count of a string. 
Allocates memory and copies an AnsiStringa string to the OLE format. 
Allocates memory and copies an AnsiStringa string to the OLE format. 
Returns a UNICODE string from an AnsiString. 
Returns the successor of an argument. 
Exchanges high order byte with the low order byte of an integer or word. 
This is function System.SysAllocMem. 
Frees the memory pointed to by a specified pointer. 
Allocates a specified number of bytes and returns a pointer to them. 
Returns a pointer to a specified number of bytes, preserving the values pointed to by the Pointer parameter. 
This is function System.SysRegisterExpectedMemoryLeak. 
This is function System.SysUnregisterExpectedMemoryLeak. 
This is function System.TextStart. 
Truncates a real number to an integer. 
Deletes all the records after the current file position. 
Converts an UCS-4 encoded string to an Unicode string. 
Converts a string of 4-byte Unicode characters into a WideString value. 
Converts an Unicode string to its UCS-4 encoded representation. 
Converts a string of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 string. 
Converts a string of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 string. 
Converts a string of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 string. 
Converts a string of Unicode characters into a UTF-8 string. 
Ensures that a given string has a reference count of one. 
Ensures that a given string has a reference count of one. 
Ensures that a given string has a reference count of one. 
Unregisters an expected memory leak. 
Unregisters the specified module. 
Converts a character to uppercase. 
Converts a character to uppercase. 
Converts a UTF8 string to a Unicode string (WideString). 
Converts a WideString value to a UTF8 string. 
Converts a WideString value to a UTF8 string. 
Converts a WideString value to a UTF8 string. 
Converts a string to its UTF-8 encoded representation. 
Converts a string to its UTF-8 encoded representation. 
Converts a string to its UTF-8 encoded representation. 
Converts a UTF8 string to a string of Ansi characters. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to a string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to a string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to a string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to a string. 
Converts a string of UTF-8 characters to a Unicode string. 
Converts a string of UTF-8 characters to a Unicode string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to an Unicode string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to an Unicode string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to an Unicode string. 
Converts an UTF-8 encoded string to a WideString
Converts a string to a numeric representation. 
Resizes a Variant array. 
Empties a Variant, so that it is unassigned. 
Converts WideString characters to UnicodeString
WideCharLenToStrVar converts WideString characters to UnicodeString or AnsiString
WideCharLenToStrVar converts WideString characters to UnicodeString or AnsiString
Converts null-terminated WideString string to UnicodeString
Converts WideString string to UnicodeString
Converts a WideString value to a string of 4-byte Unicode characters. 
Writes to either a typed file or a text file 
Writes to either a typed file or a text file 
Writes to either a typed file or a text file 
Writes to either a typed file or a text file 
Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker. 
Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker. 
Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker. 
Writes to a text file and adds an end-of-line marker. 
This is function System.YieldProcessor. 
IComparable is the generic interface used to compare two objects. 
IDispatch is the interface used to support Automation. 
IEnumerable is the generic interface for enumerable containers. 
IEnumerator is the generic interface for container enumerators. 
IEquatable is the generic interface used to check the equality of two objects. 
IInterface is the base class for all interfaces defined in Delphi code. 
IInvokable is the base class for invokable interfaces. 
This is macro System::USE. 
This is macro System::USEADDITIONALFILES. 
This is macro System::USEASM. 
This is macro System::USEDATAMODULE. 
This is macro System::USEDATAMODULENS. 
This is macro System::USEDEF. 
This is macro System::USEFILE. 
This is macro System::USEFORM. 
This is macro System::USEFORMNS. 
This is macro System::USEFORMRES. 
This is macro System::USEIDL. 
This is macro System::USELIB. 
This is macro System::USEOBJ. 
This is macro System::USEPACKAGE. 
This is macro System::USERC. 
This is macro System::USERES. 
This is macro System::USETLB. 
This is macro System::USEUNIT. 
A variable of type PackageInfoTable provides information on initializing or finalizing a series of package units. 
A variable of type PackageUnitEntry provides information on initializing or finalizing a package unit. 
TCallDesc is the dispatch call descriptor for variants, and PCallDesc is a pointer to this descriptior. 
TChunkStatus enumerates the possible states of a chunk of memory. 
This is record System.TCVModInfo. 
This is record System.TDispatchMessage. 
This is record System.TDispDesc. 
This is record System.TDynArrayTypeInfo. 
TFileRec is the internal format for typed and untyped files in the Delphi language. 
TGUID is a structured form of the value that uniquely identifies an interface. 
This is record System::THeapBlock. 
System::THeapStatus represents information about the global heap. 
This is record System.TInitContext. 
TInterfaceEntry encapsulates the information needed to dispatch interface calls. 
TInterfaceTable lists the interfaces that a class supports, and PInterfaceTable points to this list. 
System::TLibModule describes a module that is compiled with the application. 
System::TMemoryManager defines the memory block entry points. 
System::TMemoryManagerEx defines extended memory block entry points. 
System::TMemoryManagerState holds statistics about memory allocations. 
TMethod stores Code and Data fields to represent a method. 
TMinimumBlockAlignment defines the mimimum byte alignment for memory block allocation. 
This is record System::TModuleUnloadRec. 
This is record System.TMonitorSupport. 
This is record System::TResStringRec. 
TRuntimeError is an enumeration of internal runtime error codes. 
System::TSmallBlockTypeState holds statistics about a small memory block. 
TTextLineBreakStyle indicates the default set of characters used to divide lines in text. 
TTextRec is the internal format for text files. 
This is the descriptor type for safe arrays. 
Gives bound information for one dimension of a safe array. 
TVarData represents Variant information. 
System::TVariantManager defines entry points for variant conversion routines and other procedures that define variant behavior. 
System::TVarRec is used inside a function with an untyped array parameter. 
This is type System::TCallDesc. 
This is type System::TDispDesc. 
This is type System.CppLongInt. 
This is type System.CppULongInt. 
This is type System.GetPackageInfoTable. 
This is type System.HGLOBAL. 
This is type System.HINST. 
This is type System.HMODULE. 
This is type System.HRESULT. 
This is type System.HRSRC. 
Alias for SmallInt
Alias for Integer
Alias for ShortInt
This is type System.IntegerArray. 
IUnknown is a special base interface. 
PackageInfo is a pointer to a PackageInfoTable variable. 
PAnsiString is a pointer to an AnsiString variable. 
PBoolean is a pointer to a Boolean variable. 
PByte is a pointer to a Byte variable. 
This is type System::PCallDesc. 
PCardinal is a pointer to a Cardinal variable. 
PComp is a pointer to a Comp variable. 
PCurrency is a pointer to a Currency variable. 
This is type System.PCVModInfo. 
PDate is a pointer to a Date variable. 
PDateTime is a pointer to a TDateTime variable. 
This is type System.PDispatch. 
This is type System::PDispDesc. 
PDouble is a pointer to a Double variable. 
This is type System.PDynArrayTypeInfo. 
This is type System.PError. 
PExtended is a pointer to an Extended variable. 
PGUID is a pointer to a TGUID variable. 
This is type System.PInitContext. 
PInt64 is a pointer to an Int64 variable. 
PInteger is a pointer to an Integer variable. 
PIntegerArray is a pointer to an IntegerArray variable. 
PInterfaceEntry is a pointer to a TInterfaceEntry variable. 
PInterfaceTable is a pointer to a TInterfaceTable variable. 
PLibModule is a pointer to a System::TLibModule variable. 
PLongint is a pointer to a LongInt variable. 
PLongWord is a pointer to a LongWord variable. 
System::PMemoryManager is a pointer to a System::TMemoryManager variable. 
System::PMemoryManagerEx is a pointer to a System::TMemoryManagerEx variable. 
This is type System::PModuleUnloadRec. 
This is type System.PMonitor. 
This is type System.PMonitorSupport. 
This is type System.PointerArray. 
POleVariant is a pointer to a System::OleVariant variable. 
This is type System.PPAnsiChar. 
This is type System.PPChar. 
This is type System.PPCharArray. 
This is type System.PPDispatch. 
This is type System.PPMonitor. 
PPointer is a pointer to a Pointer variable. 
PPointerArray is a pointer to a PointerArray variable. 
This is type System.PPUnknown. 
This is type System.PPWideChar. 
This is type System.PRawByteString. 
This is type System::PResStringRec. 
PShortInt is a pointer to a ShortInt variable. 
PShortString is a pointer to a ShortString variable. 
PSingle is a pointer to a Single variable. 
This is type System::PSmallBlockTypeState. 
PSmallInt is a pointer to a SmallInt variable. 
PString is a pointer to a String variable. 
This is type System.PTextBuf. 
This is type System.PUCS2Char. 
This is type System.PUCS4Char. 
This is type System.PUCS4CharArray. 
This is type System.PUInt64. 
This is type System.PUnicodeString. 
PUnitEntryTable is a pointer to a UnitEntryTable variable. 
PUnknown is a pointer to an IUnknown variable. 
This is type System.PUTF8String. 
Pointer type to a TVarArray
This is type System.PVarArrayBoundArray. 
Pointer type to a TVarArrayCoorArray
This is type System.PVarData. 
PVariant is a pointer to a System::Variant variable. 
This is type System::PVariantManager. 
System::PVarRec is a pointer to a System::TVarRec variable. 
PWideString is a pointer to a WideString variable. 
PWord is a pointer to a Word variable. 
PWordBool is a pointer to a WordBool variable. 
RawByteString enables the passing of string data of any code page without doing any codepage conversions. 
This is type System::ResourceString. 
This is type System.TAssertErrorProc. 
This is type System::TBooleanDynArray. 
This is type System.TBoundArray. 
This is type System::TByteDynArray. 
This is type System::TCardinalDynArray. 
TClass defines the metaclass for System::TObject
This is type System.TClassHelperBaseClass. 
TDate is used to represent a date. 
TDateTime represents a date-and-time value in the Delphi language. 
This is type System.TDLLProc. 
This is type System.TDLLProcEx. 
This is type System::TDoubleDynArray. 
This is type System.TEnumModuleFunc. 
This is type System.TEnumModuleFuncLW. 
This is type System.TFileIOFunc. 
THandle is a general purpose data reference (handle). 
This is type System::TInt64DynArray. 
This is type System::TIntegerDynArray. 
TInterfacedClass defines the metaclass for System::TInterfacedObject
This is type System::TLongWordDynArray. 
TMemoryMap is a map of an application's address space as an array of TChunkStatus values. 
TModuleUnloadProc defines a procedure that can be called during package unload. 
TModuleUnloadProcLW dehines a procedure that can be called during package unload. 
This is type System.TPCharArray. 
This is type System.TResourceHandle. 
This is type System.TSafeCallErrorProc. 
This is type System::TShortIntDynArray. 
This is type System::TSingleDynArray. 
System::TSmallBlockTypeStates is an array of small memory block information records. 
This is type System::TSmallIntDynArray. 
This is type System::TStringDynArray. 
This is type System.TSystemThreadEndProc. 
This is type System.TSystemThreadFuncProc. 
This is type System.TTextBuf. 
This is type System.TTextIOFunc. 
System::TThreadFunc defines a new thread of execution. 
TTime is used to represent a time. 
This is type System.TUCS4CharArray. 
Gives bound information for all the dimensions of a safe array. 
Gives the position of an element in a safe array. 
TVarOp defines a Variant operation. 
This is type System.TVarType. 
This is type System::TWideStringDynArray. 
This is type System::TWordDynArray. 
This is type System.UCS2Char. 
UCS4Char is used for working with 4–byte Unicode characters. 
UCS4String is used for working with 4–byte Unicode characters. 
Alias for Word
Alias for Cardinal
Alias for Byte
UnitEntryTable is an array type with entries of type PackageUnitEntry
UTF8String represents UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. 
AbstractErrorProc defines a callback routine for abstract method call errors. 
Represents the total number of allocated memory blocks in a Delphi application. 
Represents the total size of allocated memory blocks. 
Points to the assertion error-handler. 
Points to the command-line arguments specified when the application is invoked. 
Specifies the flags for displaying the application's main window. 
This is variable System.CPUCount. 
DebugHook is set if an application is running under the IDE debugger. 
Specifies the Default 8087 control word. 
This is variable System.DefaultSystemCodePage. 
Specifies the characters that are used by default to separate lines in text. 
This is variable System.DefaultUnicodeCodePage. 
This is variable System.DispCallByIDProc. 
Points to a procedure invoked by a DLL entry point. 
This is variable System.envp. 
Contains the address of a statement causing a runtime error. 
Points to the RTL runtime error handler. 
ErrOutput specifies a write-only Text file associated with the process's error output file. 
ExceptClsProc defines a pointer to a function called during exception handling. 
This is variable System.ExceptionAcquired. 
This is variable System.ExceptionClass. 
ExceptObjProc defines a pointer to a function called during exception handling. 
Points to the lowest-level exception handler. 
Contains the application's exit code. 
Points to a program's exit procedure (provided for backward compatibility). 
Specifies the last procedure to execute before the application shuts down. 
Indicates the access mode on typed and untyped files opened by the Reset procedure. 
Indicates how the memory manager obtains memory from the operating system. 
This is variable System.HPrevInst. 
InitProc is the last installed initialization procedure. 
Specifies a read-only Text file associated with the processes standard Input file. 
Indicates whether the module was compiled as a console application. 
Indicates whether the module is a shared library. 
Indicates whether the application spawned additional threads using BeginThread or TThread objects. 
Controls when the just-in-time debugger is called. 
Lists module records for enumeration procedures. 
Indicates the instance handle for the main executable. 
Indicates the instance handle for the current module's main thread of execution. 
This is variable System.ModuleUnloadList. 
This is variable System.MonitorSupport. 
Dictates memory manager behavior during a thread contention. 
Controls whether the application displays an error message when a runtime error occurs. 
Specifies a write-only Text file associated with the process's standard output file. 
Points to RaiseException Windows function. 
This is variable System.RaiseExceptObjProc. 
RandSeed stores the built-in random number generator's seed. 
Report memory leaks on shutdown. 
This is variable System.RTLUnwindProc. 
SafeCallErrorProc defines a procedure that is called when a safecall routine incurs an error. 
This is variable System.SystemThreadEndProc. 
This is variable System.SystemThreadFuncProc. 
This is variable System.Test8086. 
This is variable System.Test8087. 
This is variable System.TestFDIV. 
This is variable System.UTF8CompareLocale. 
The VarAddRefProc variable is used internally. 
The VarClearProc variable is used internally. 
The VarCopyProc variable is used internally. 
The VarToLStrProc variable is used internally. 
The VarToWStrProc variable is used internally. 
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