RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils.DirectoryExists Function

Determines whether a specified directory exists.

function DirectoryExists(const Directory: string): Boolean;
Boolean DirectoryExists(const AnsiString Directory);

Call DirectoryExists to determine whether the directory specified by the Directory parameter exists. If the directory exists, the function returns true. If the directory does not exist, the function returns false. 

If a full path name is entered, DirectoryExists searches for the directory along the designated path. Otherwise, the Directory parameter is interpreted as a relative path name from the current directory.

Note: The FileCtrl unit (Windows only) also contains a DirectoryExists function. However, the FileCtrl version is deprecated, and the SysUtils version preferred, even if the code does not need to be cross-platform.

C++ Examples: 


The following example creates a directory ‘C:\temp’ if it
does not already exist.
#include <Filectrl.hpp>
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
  if (!DirectoryExists("c:\\temp"))
    if (!CreateDir("C:\\temp"))
      throw Exception("Cannot create c:\\temp directory.");
  if (!CreateDir("C:\\temp"))
    throw Exception("Cannot create C:\\temp again!");


Delphi Examples: 

The following example creates a directory ‘C:\temp’ if it
does not already exist.
uses FileCtrl;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  if not SysUtils.DirectoryExists('C:\temp') then
    if not CreateDir('C:\temp') then
      raise Exception.Create('Cannot create C:\temp');
  if not CreateDir('C:\temp') then
    raise Exception.Create('Cannot create C:\temp again!');


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