RAD Studio VCL Reference
SiteComp Namespace

This is namespace SiteComp.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
TAbstractDesigntimeWarnings assembles design-time warning messages that appear in the HTML view of the form your application builds. 
This is class SiteComp.TAbstractInetFileType. 
TNotifyList is a collection of objects that should be notified of changes. 
This is class SiteComp.TScriptComponent. 
This is class SiteComp.TScriptObject. 
This is constant SiteComp.AdapterActionHTMLElementTypeNames. 
This is constant SiteComp.AdapterDisplayHTMLElementTypeNames. 
This is constant SiteComp.AdapterDisplayViewModeTypeNames. 
This is constant SiteComp.AdapterInputHTMLElementTypeNames. 
This is function SiteComp.FullyQualifiedFieldName. 
This is function SiteComp.FullyQualifiedName. 
IActionImageProducer is the interface for accessing the image or set of images that represent an adapter action. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterAccess. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterActionAccess. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterActionAttributes. 
IAdapterDispatcher is the interface for interacting with the adapter dispatcher. 
IAdapterDispatchParams describes adapter action parameters and adapter field values. 
IAdapterError is the interface for retrieving adapter error information. 
IAdapterErrors is implemented by adapter errors objects. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterFieldAccess. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterFieldAttributes. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterHiddenField. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterHiddenFields. 
IAdapterItemRequestParams is the interface for reading the parameters for an adapter field or action request. 
This is class SiteComp.IAdapterMode. 
IAdapterRequestHandler handles requests to execute an adapter action or retrieve the value of an image field. 
This is class SiteComp.IAsFormatted. 
This is class SiteComp.IDefaultPageFileName. 
This is class SiteComp.IFieldValuesAdapter. 
This is class SiteComp.IFindIncludeFile. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterActions. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterDisplayCharacteristics. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterErrors. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterFields. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterHiddenFields. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterImage. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterItemRequestParams. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterRequestDefaultResponse. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetAdapterValuesList. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetDefaultAction. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetDesigntimeWarnings. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetFieldValuesAdapter. 
IGetHTMLStyle is used to inquire about the preferred display representation of an adapter field or adapter action. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetProducerComponent. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetScriptObject. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetScriptObjectClassKey. 
This is class SiteComp.IGetWebAppComponents. 
This is class SiteComp.IIDEFileManager. 
IImageProducer is the interface for accessing the image that an adapter component supplies. 
This is class SiteComp.IInternetEnvOptions. 
This is class SiteComp.IInternetExecuteScript. 
This is class SiteComp.IInternetFileTypes. 
This is class SiteComp.IInternetScriptDebugger. 
This is class SiteComp.IIsAdapterActionList. 
This is class SiteComp.IIterateIntfSupport. 
This is class SiteComp.IIterateObjectSupport. 
IIteratorIndex is the interface that indicates where an object is positioned when it is iterating over its subitems. 
IIteratorSupport is the interface that allows server-side script to iterate over the items of an adapter or one of its child objects. 
INotifyAdapterChange is the interface that allows objects to respond when an adapter changes. 
INotifyList is the interface that allows objects to register and unregister an interest in changes to a component. 
IPageDispatcher is the interface for interacting with the page dispatcher. 
This is class SiteComp.IPageResult. 
ISessionsService is the interface for controlling a TSessionsService object. 
This is class SiteComp.ISessionsServiceConnectID. 
This is class SiteComp.ISessionsServicePersist. 
This is class SiteComp.ISessionsServiceStoreID. 
IValuesListAdapter is the interface for supplying name/value pairs. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebActionsList. 
IWebApplicationInfo is the interface for the application adapter. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebContainerSubComponent. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebDataFields. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebEnabled. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebFormComponentContainer. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetActionName. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetDisplayLabel. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetDisplayWidth. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetFieldName. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetFieldValue. 
IWebGetFieldValues is used to iterate over multiple values associated with an adapter field. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetMaxLength. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebGetSessionIDs. 
IWebImageHREF is the interface for obtaining an HREF that addresses an image. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebInputName. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebIsDefaultAction. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebIsDefaultField. 
IWebSession allows an application to terminate a Web session. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebSessionAttributes. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebSessionID. 
IWebSessionIDs lists the session IDs for all sessions that TSessionsService stores in memory. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebSessionValues. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebSetActionName. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebSetFieldName. 
IWebUserList is the interface for validating user logins and access rights. 
This is class SiteComp.IWebValueIsEqual. 
TAdapterActionHTMLElementType identifies the HTML type that is generated to let a user execute an adapter action. 
TAdapterDisplayCharacteristics describes the characteristics of the HTML generated to display information from an adapter. 
TAdapterDisplayHTMLElementType identifies an HTML type that can be used to display the value(s) associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterDisplayViewModeType identifies how an HTML control for the associated adapter field should behave. 
TAdapterInputHTMLElementType identifies an HTML input type that can be used to edit the value(s) associated with an adapter field. 
TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions identifies what parameter values to include when encoding the hidden fields and HREF values that represent calls to adapter fields and actions. 
TDiapatchPageFlags indicates the attributes that must be present on a Web page module for it to handle a request. 
This is record SiteComp.TQualifyOption. 
This is type SiteComp.TAdapterDisplayCharacteristics. 
This is type SiteComp.TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions. 
This is type SiteComp.TDispatchPageFlags. 
TSessionID is the type of the session identifier in a WebSnap application. 
This is variable SiteComp.ExecuteScript. 
This is variable SiteComp.GetHTMLSampleImage. 
This is variable SiteComp.IDEFileManager. 
This is variable SiteComp.InetFileTypes. 
This is variable SiteComp.InternetEnvOptions. 
This is variable SiteComp.ScriptDebugger. 
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