RAD Studio VCL Reference
Messages Namespace

This is namespace Messages.

The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
Represents the Windows message BM_CLICK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETCHECK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETIMAGE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_GETSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETCHECK. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETIMAGE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message BM_SETSTYLE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_CLICKED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DISABLE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_DOUBLECLICKED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_HILITE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message BN_PAINT. 
Represents the Windows message BN_PUSHED. 
Represents the Windows message BN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message BN_UNHILITE. 
Represents the Windows message BN_UNPUSHED. 
Represents the Windows message CB_ADDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_DELETESTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_DIR. 
Represents the Windows message CB_FINDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETEDITSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETEXTENDEDUI. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLBTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLBTEXTLEN. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_GETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_INITSTORAGE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_INSERTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_LIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_MSGMAX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_RESETCONTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SELECTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETEDITSEL. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETEXTENDEDUI. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message CB_SHOWDROPDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_CLOSEUP. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_DROPDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_EDITCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_EDITUPDATE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELENDCANCEL. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SELENDOK. 
Represents the Windows message CBN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message DM_GETDEFID. 
Represents the Windows message DM_REPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message DM_SETDEFID. 
Represents the Windows message EM_CANUNDO. 
Represents the Windows message EM_CHARFROMPOS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER. 
Represents the Windows message EM_FMTLINES. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETHANDLE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETIMESTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLINE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETLINECOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETMARGINS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETMODIFY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETRECT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETTHUMB. 
Represents the Windows message EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINEFROMCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINEINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINELENGTH. 
Represents the Windows message EM_LINESCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_POSFROMCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_REPLACESEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SCROLLCARET. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETHANDLE. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETIMESTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETLIMITTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETMARGINS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETMODIFY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETREADONLY. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETRECT. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETRECTNP. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETTABSTOPS. 
Represents the Windows message EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC. 
Represents the Windows message EM_UNDO. 
Represents the Windows message EN_CHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_HSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message EN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message EN_MAXTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message EN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message EN_UPDATE. 
Represents the Windows message EN_VSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ADDFILE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ADDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_DELETESTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_DIR. 
Represents the Windows message LB_FINDSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETANCHORINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCARETINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETITEMRECT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSELCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETSELITEMS. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTEXTLEN. 
Represents the Windows message LB_GETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_INITSTORAGE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_INSERTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_ITEMFROMPOINT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_MSGMAX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_RESETCONTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELECTSTRING. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELITEMRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SELITEMRANGEEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETANCHORINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCARETINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCOUNT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETCURSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETITEMDATA. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETITEMHEIGHT. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETLOCALE. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETSEL. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETTABSTOPS. 
Represents the Windows message LB_SETTOPINDEX. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_DBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_ERRSPACE. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SELCANCEL. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SELCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message LBN_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message PSM_PAGEINFO. 
Represents the Windows message PSM_SHEETINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETPOS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETSCROLLBARINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_GETSCROLLINFO. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETPOS. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW. 
Represents the Windows message SBM_SETSCROLLINFO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ACTIVATEAPP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_APP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_APPCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CANCELJOURNAL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CANCELMODE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CAPTURECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHANGECBCHAIN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHANGEUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHARTOITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CHILDACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CLEAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CLOSE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COALESCE_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COALESCE_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMMNOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMPACTING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COMPAREITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CONTEXTMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COPY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_COPYDATA. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLOR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORBTN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORDLG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLOREDIT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC. 
Represents the Windows message WM_CUT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_ACK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_ADVISE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_DATA. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_EXECUTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_INITIATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_POKE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_REQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_TERMINATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DDE_UNADVISE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEADCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DELETEITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEVICECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DEVMODECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DISPLAYCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DRAWITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DROPFILES. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMCOLORIZATIONCOLORCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMCOMPOSITIONCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMNCRENDERINGCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_DWMWINDOWMAXIMIZEDCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENABLE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENDSESSION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERIDLE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERMENULOOP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ERASEBKGND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_EXITMENULOOP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_EXITSIZEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_FONTCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETDLGCODE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETFONT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETHOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETMINMAXINFO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETOBJECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_GETTEXTLENGTH. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HANDHELDFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HANDHELDLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HELP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_ICONERASEBKGND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_CHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_COMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_CONTROL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_KEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_NOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_REQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_SELECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_SETCONTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITDIALOG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INITMENUPOPUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_KILLFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_LBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDICASCADE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDICREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIDESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIGETACTIVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIICONARRANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIMAXIMIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDINEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIREFRESHMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDIRESTORE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDISETMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MDITILE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MEASUREITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUDRAG. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUGETOBJECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENURBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MENUSELECT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEHOVER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSELAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSELEAVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOUSEWHEEL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_MOVING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCACTIVATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCCALCSIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCCREATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCDESTROY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCHITTEST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCLBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSEHOVER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSELEAVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCMOUSEMOVE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCPAINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCRBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NCXBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NEXTDLGCTL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NEXTMENU. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NOTIFYFORMAT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_NULL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PAINTICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PALETTECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PALETTEISCHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PARENTNOTIFY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PASTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PENWINFIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PENWINLAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_POWER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_POWERBROADCAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PRINT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_PRINTCLIENT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYDRAGICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYENDSESSION. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYOPEN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUERYUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUEUESYNC. 
Represents the Windows message WM_QUIT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RBUTTONUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RENDERALLFORMATS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_RENDERFORMAT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETCURSOR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETFOCUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETFONT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETHOTKEY. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETICON. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETREDRAW. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETTEXT. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SETTINGCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SHOWWINDOW. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZECLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SIZING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SPOOLERSTATUS. 
Represents the Windows message WM_STYLECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_STYLECHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSCOMMAND. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSDEADCHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSKEYDOWN. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSKEYUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_SYSTEMERROR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TABLET_FIRST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TABLET_LAST. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TCARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_THEMECHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TIMECHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_TIMER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNDO. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNICHAR. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP. 
Represents the Windows message WM_UPDATEUISTATE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_USER. 
Represents the Windows message WM_USERCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VKEYTOITEM. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VSCROLL. 
Represents the Windows message WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WININICHANGE. 
Represents the Windows message WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE. 
Send Windows message, sending and receiving integer values. 
Send Windows message, sending and receiving data structure. 
Send Windows message, sending data structure. 
Send Windows message, sending text. 
TMessage represents a Windows message. 
This is record Messages.TMSHMouseWheel. 
This is record Messages.TWMActivate. 
This is record Messages.TWMActivateApp. 
This is record Messages.TWMAskCBFormatName. 
This is record Messages.TWMChangeCBChain. 
This is record Messages.TWMCharToItem. 
This is record Messages.TWMChooseFont_GetLogFont. 
This is record Messages.TWMCommand. 
This is record Messages.TWMCompacting. 
This is record Messages.TWMCompareItem. 
This is record Messages.TWMContextMenu. 
This is record Messages.TWMCopyData. 
This is record Messages.TWMCreate. 
This is record Messages.TWMCtlColor. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Ack. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Advise. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Data. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Execute. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Initiate. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Poke. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Request. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Terminate. 
This is record Messages.TWMDDE_Unadvise. 
This is record Messages.TWMDeleteItem. 
This is record Messages.TWMDevModeChange. 
This is record Messages.TWMDisplayChange. 
This is record Messages.TWMDrawItem. 
This is record Messages.TWMDropFiles. 
This is record Messages.TWMEnable. 
This is record Messages.TWMEndSession. 
This is record Messages.TWMEnterIdle. 
This is record Messages.TWMEnterMenuLoop. 
This is record Messages.TWMEraseBkgnd. 
This is record Messages.TWMGetIcon. 
This is record Messages.TWMGetMinMaxInfo. 
This is record Messages.TWMGetText. 
This is record Messages.TWMHelp. 
This is record Messages.TWMHotKey. 
This is record Messages.TWMHScrollClipboard. 
This is record Messages.TWMInitDialog. 
This is record Messages.TWMInitMenu. 
This is record Messages.TWMInitMenuPopup. 
TWMKey represents a Windows Keystroke message. 
This is record Messages.TWMKillFocus. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDIActivate. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDICascade. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDICreate. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDIDestroy. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDIMaximize. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDINext. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDIRestore. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDISetMenu. 
This is record Messages.TWMMDITile. 
This is record Messages.TWMMeasureItem. 
TWMMenuChar represents a Windows Keystroke message directed at a menu. 
This is record Messages.TWMMenuSelect. 
TWMMouse represents a Windows mouse message. 
This is record Messages.TWMMouseActivate. 
This is record Messages.TWMMouseWheel. 
This is record Messages.TWMMove. 
This is record Messages.TWMMoving. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCActivate. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCCalcSize. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCCreate. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCHitMessage. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCHitTest. 
This is record Messages.TWMNCPaint. 
This is record Messages.TWMNextDlgCtl. 
This is record Messages.TWMNoParams. 
TWMNotify represents a Windows notification message. 
This is record Messages.TWMNotifyFormat. 
TWMPaint represents a Windows Paint message. 
This is record Messages.TWMPaintClipboard. 
This is record Messages.TWMPaletteChanged. 
This is record Messages.TWMPaletteIsChanging. 
This is record Messages.TWMParentNotify. 
This is record Messages.TWMPower. 
This is record Messages.TWMPrint. 
This is record Messages.TWMQueryEndSession. 
This is record Messages.TWMQuit. 
This is record Messages.TWMRenderFormat. 
This is record Messages.TWMScroll. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetCursor. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetFocus. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetFont. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetHotKey. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetIcon. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetRedraw. 
This is record Messages.TWMSetText. 
This is record Messages.TWMSettingChange. 
This is record Messages.TWMShowWindow. 
This is record Messages.TWMSize. 
This is record Messages.TWMSizeClipboard. 
This is record Messages.TWMSpoolerStatus. 
This is record Messages.TWMStyleChange. 
This is record Messages.TWMSysCommand. 
This is record Messages.TWMSysDeadChar. 
This is record Messages.TWMSystemError. 
This is record Messages.TWMTimer. 
This is record Messages.TWMUIState. 
This is record Messages.TWMVScrollClipboard. 
This is record Messages.TWMWindowPosMsg. 
This is record Messages.TWMWinIniChange. 
This is type Messages.PMessage. 
This is type Messages.TWMCancelMode. 
This is type Messages.TWMChangeUIState. 
This is type Messages.TWMChar. 
This is type Messages.TWMChildActivate. 
This is type Messages.TWMClear. 
This is type Messages.TWMClose. 
This is type Messages.TWMCopy. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorBtn. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorDlg. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorEdit. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorListbox. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorMsgbox. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorScrollbar. 
This is type Messages.TWMCtlColorStatic. 
This is type Messages.TWMCut. 
This is type Messages.TWMDeadChar. 
This is type Messages.TWMDestroy. 
This is type Messages.TWMDestroyClipboard. 
This is type Messages.TWMDrawClipboard. 
This is type Messages.TWMExitMenuLoop. 
This is type Messages.TWMFontChange. 
This is type Messages.TWMGetDlgCode. 
This is type Messages.TWMGetFont. 
This is type Messages.TWMGetHotKey. 
This is type Messages.TWMGetTextLength. 
This is type Messages.TWMHScroll. 
This is type Messages.TWMIconEraseBkgnd. 
This is type Messages.TWMKeyDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMKeyUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMLButtonDblClk. 
TWMLButtonDown represents the Windows message that occurs when the user clicks the left mouse button. 
This is type Messages.TWMLButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMMButtonDblClk. 
This is type Messages.TWMMButtonDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMMButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMMDIGetActive. 
This is type Messages.TWMMDIIconArrange. 
This is type Messages.TWMMDIRefreshMenu. 
This is type Messages.TWMMouseMove. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCDestroy. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCLButtonDblClk. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCLButtonDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCLButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCMButtonDblClk. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCMButtonDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCMButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCMouseMove. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCRButtonDblClk. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCRButtonDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMNCRButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMPaintIcon. 
This is type Messages.TWMPaste. 
This is type Messages.TWMPrintClient. 
This is type Messages.TWMQueryDragIcon. 
This is type Messages.TWMQueryNewPalette. 
This is type Messages.TWMQueryOpen. 
This is type Messages.TWMQueryUIState. 
This is type Messages.TWMQueueSync. 
This is type Messages.TWMRButtonDblClk. 
This is type Messages.TWMRButtonDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMRButtonUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMRenderAllFormats. 
This is type Messages.TWMStyleChanged. 
This is type Messages.TWMStyleChanging. 
This is type Messages.TWMSysChar. 
This is type Messages.TWMSysColorChange. 
This is type Messages.TWMSysKeyDown. 
This is type Messages.TWMSysKeyUp. 
This is type Messages.TWMTimeChange. 
This is type Messages.TWMUndo. 
This is type Messages.TWMUpdateUIState. 
This is type Messages.TWMVKeyToItem. 
This is type Messages.TWMVScroll. 
This is type Messages.TWMWindowPosChanged. 
This is type Messages.TWMWindowPosChanging. 
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