RAD Studio VCL Reference
Graphics Namespace

This is namespace Graphics.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EInvalidGraphic is the exception class for unrecognized graphic files. 
EInvalidGraphicOperation is the exception class for illegal operations on graphics. 
TBitmap is an encapsulation of a Windows bitmap (HBITMAP), including its palette (HPALETTE). 
TBitmapImage is the internal representation of the bitmap image for a TBitmap object. 
TBrush represents the color and pattern used to fill solid shapes. 
TBrushRecall saves and restores a TBrush object. 
TCanvas provides an abstract drawing space for objects that must render their own images. 
TFont encapsulates a system font. 
TFontRecall saves and restores the properties of a TFont object. 
TGraphic is the abstract base class type for objects such as icons, bitmaps, and metafiles that can store and display visual images. 
TGraphicsObject is the abstract base class for objects which encapsulate a system graphics object: TBrush, TFont, and TPen
TIcon is an encapsulation of a Windows icon. 
TIconImage is the internal representation of the bitmap image for a TIcon object. 
TMetafile is an encapsulation of the Win32 Enhanced metafile. 
TMetafileCanvas allows applications to create metafile images from scratch. 
TMetafileImage is the internal representation of the metafile image for a TMetafile object. 
TPen is used to draw lines or outline shapes on a canvas. 
TPenRecall saves and restores the properties of a TPen object. 
TPicture contains a bitmap, icon, metafile graphic, or user-defined graphic. 
TSharedImage is the base class for classes that contain images used for graphics objects. 
Represents the dark shadow of 3D components. 
Represents the light part of 3D components. 
Represents the default border color of an active window. 
Represents the default color of the title bar of an active window. 
Represents the default Application WorkSpace color. 
Represents the color Aqua. 
Represents the default Windows background color. 
Represents the color black. 
Represents the color blue. 
Represents the color of the face of a button. 
Represents the color of the highlighting on a button. 
Represents the color of the shadow cast by of a button. 
Represents the default color of the text on a button. 
Represents the default color of the text on the title bar of an active window. 
Represents the color cream. 
Specifies the default color of a component. 
Represents the color dark gray. 
Represents the color fuchsia. 
Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar. 
Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar. 
Represents the color gray. 
Represents the color of text that is grayed out. 
Represents the color green. 
Represents the color of the background of a block of selected text. 
Represents the color of selected text. 
This is constant Graphics.clHotLight. 
Represents the default border color of an inactive window. 
Represents the default color of the title bar of an inactive window. 
Represents the default color of the title text in an inactive window. 
Represents the color of the background of a tool tip. 
Represents the color of tool tip text. 
Represents the color lime. 
Represents the color light gray. 
Represents the color maroon. 
Represents the color medium gray. 
Represents the color of the background of an unselected menu sub item. 
Represents the color of the background of an unselected main menu item. 
Represents the color of the background of a selected menu item. 
Represents the default menu text color. 
Represents the color money green. 
Represents the color navy. 
Represents no selected color. 
Represents the color olive. 
Represents the color purple. 
Represents the color red. 
This is constant Graphics.clScrollBar. 
Represents the color silver. 
Represents the color sky blue. 
Is a mask used to identify the set of system colors. 
Represents the color teal. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebAliceBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebAntiqueWhite. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebAqua. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebAquamarine. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebAzure. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBeige. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBisque. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBlack. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBlanchedAlmond. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBlueViolet. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBrown. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebBurlywood. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCadetBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebChartreuse. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebChocolate. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCoral. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCornFlowerBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCornSilk. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCrimson. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebCyan. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkCyan. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkGoldenRod. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkGray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkgreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkKhaki. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkMagenta. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkOliveGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkOrange. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkOrchid. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkSalmon. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkSeaGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkSlateBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkSlategray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkTurquoise. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDarkViolet. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDeepPink. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDeepskyBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDimGray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebDodgerBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebFirebrick. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebFloralWhite. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebForestGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebFuchsia. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGainsboro. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGhostWhite. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGold. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGoldenRod. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebGreenYellow. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebHoneydew. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebHotPink. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebIndianRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebIndigo. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebIvory. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebKhaki. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLavender. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLavenderBlush. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLawnGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLemonChiffon. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightCoral. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightCyan. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightGoldenrodYellow. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightgrey. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightPink. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightSalmon. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightSeaGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightSkyBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightSlateGray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightSteelBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLightYellow. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLime. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLimeGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebLinen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMagenta. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMaroon. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumAquamarine. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumOrchid. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumPurple. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumSeaGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumSlateBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumSpringGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumTurquoise. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMediumVioletRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMidnightBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMintcream. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMistyRose. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebMoccasin. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebNavajoWhite. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebNavy. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOldLace. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOlive. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOliveDrab. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOrange. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOrangeRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebOrchid. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPaleGoldenrod. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPaleGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPaleTurquoise. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPaleVioletRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPapayaWhip. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPeachPuff. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPeru. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPink. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPlum. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPowderBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebPurple. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebRed. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebRosyBrown. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebRoyalBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSaddleBrown. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSalmon. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSandyBrown. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSeaGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSeashell. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSienna. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSilver. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSkyBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSlateBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSlateGray. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSnow. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSpringGreen. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebSteelBlue. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebTan. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebTeal. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebThistle. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebTomato. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebTurquoise. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebViolet. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebWheat. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebWhite. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebWhiteSmoke. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebYellow. 
This is constant Graphics.clWebYellowGreen. 
Represents the color white. 
Represents the default Window background color. 
Represents the default Window frame background color. 
Represents the default Window text color. 
Represents the color yellow. 
TCopyMode value : fills the destination rectangle on the canvas with black. 
TCopyMode value : inverts the image on the canvas and ignores the source. 
TCopyMode value : combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator. 
TCopyMode value : combines the inverted source bitmap with the image on the canvas by using the Boolean OR operator. 
TCopyMode value : copies the inverted source bitmap to the canvas. 
TCopyMode value : combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean OR operator, and inverts the result. 
TCopyMode value : copies the source pattern to the canvas. 
TCopyMode value : combines the source pattern with the image on the canvas using the Boolean XOR operator. 
TCopyMode value : combines the inverted source bitmap with the source pattern by using the Boolean OR operator. Combines the result of this operation with the image on the canvas by using the Boolean OR operator. 
TCopyMode value : combines the image on the canvas and source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator. 
TCopyMode value : copies the source bitmap to the canvas. 
TCopyMode value : inverts the image on the canvas and combines the result with the source bitmap by using the Boolean AND operator. 
TCopyMode value : combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean XOR operator. 
TCopyMode value : combines the image on the canvas and the source bitmap by using the Boolean OR operator. 
TCopyMode value : fills the destination rectangle on the canvas with white. 
The total number of extended colors available 
This is constant Graphics.rc3_Cursor. 
This is constant Graphics.rc3_Icon. 
This is constant Graphics.rc3_StockIcon. 
The total number of standard colors available 
The total number of web colors available 
Creates a TBitmap filled with a pattern. 
This is function Graphics.BytesPerScanline. 
Obtains the name of a character set. 
Provides the symbolic name of a TColor value. 
Converts a TColor value into an RGB representation of the color. 
Returns a string that represents the name of a TColor value. 
Creates a new palette object that matches an existing palette. 
Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap with the system grays. 
Remaps the standard gray colors in a bitmap resource with the system grays. 
Changes the color table in a bitmap. 
Changes the color table in a bitmap resource. 
This is function Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts. 
Passes the name of every predefined character set string to a callback function. 
Passes the name of every predefined color constant to a callback function. 
Returns the character set of the default system font. 
Returns the info header and image for a device independent bitmap. 
Returns the size of the info header and of the image for a device independent bitmap. 
Returns the default file-name extension of a graphics object. 
Returns a file mask that specifies the valid extensions for a graphic class. 
Returns a file filter compatible with the Filter property of an Open or Save dialog. 
Translates the name of a character set constant to the corresponding character set. 
Translates the name of a color constant to the corresponding TColor value. 
This is function Graphics.PaletteChanged. 
Translates a string representation of a color to the corresponding TColor value. 
This is function Graphics.TransparentStretchBlt. 
IChangeNotifier is the interface used for responding to status changes. 
TAlphaFormat indicates how the reserved byte of each pixel is used in a 32 bit bitmap. 
TBitmapHandleType indicates the format used to store the in-memory image of a bitmap. 
This is record Graphics.TBrushData. 
TBrushStyle specifies the pattern on a brush. 
TCanvasOrientation specifies the pixel coordinate system that a canvas uses. 
This is record Graphics.TCanvasStates. 
This is record Graphics.TCursorOrIcon. 
This is record Graphics.TFillMode. 
TFillStyle indicates the type of color change defines the boundary of a possibly non-rectangular region n a canvas. 
This is record Graphics.TFontData. 
TFontPitch indicates whether the characters in a font have the same width. 
TFontStyle and TFontStyles specify style characteristics of a font. 
This is record Graphics.TIconRec. 
This is record Graphics.TPenData. 
TPenMode indicates how the color of a pen interacts with the color of a canvas. 
TPenStyle indicates the type of line a pen draws. 
TPixelFormat specifies the format of a bitmap. 
TProgressStage indicates the stage of a lengthy operation. 
This is record Graphics.TResData. 
This is record Graphics.TResource. 
This is record Graphics.TTextFormats. 
TTransparentMode indicates how the transparent color of a bitmap is determined. 
Meta file handle type. 
HMETAFILE is the Windows handle to a TMetafile object. 
PColor is a pointer to a TColor type. 
This is type Graphics.PCursorOrIcon. 
This is type Graphics.PIconRec. 
This is type Graphics.PResource. 
This is type Graphics.TCanvasState. 
TColor is used to specify the color of a Windows-only control. 
TCopyMode specifies how a graphical image is copied onto a canvas. 
TFontCharset represents the character set of a font. 
This is type Graphics.TFontDataName. 
TFontName is a string that holds the typeface name of a font. 
TFontStyle and TFontStyles specify style characteristics of a font. 
This is type Graphics.TFontStylesBase. 
TGraphicClass defines the metaclass for TGraphic
TProgressEvent is the type of event handlers that provide feedback during lengthy operations. 
TTextFormat indicates how a text viewer control displays its contents. 
Determines whether bitmap handles are created as device-dependent bitmaps (DDB). 
This is variable Graphics.DefFontData. 
Contains the 16 VGA system colors. 
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