RAD Studio VCL Reference
DesignIntf Namespace

This is namespace DesignIntf.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
TBaseComponentEditor is the base class for all component editors. 
This is class DesignIntf.TBaseComponentGuidelines. 
This is class DesignIntf.TBaseCustomModule. 
TBasePropertyEditor is the base class for all property editors. 
This is class DesignIntf.TBaseSelectionEditor. 
This is class DesignIntf.TClassWrapper. 
TDesignerSelections maintains a list of persistent objects. 
This is class DesignIntf.TDragTarget. 
This is class DesignIntf.TEventInfo. 
This is constant DesignIntf.MaxIdentLength. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sActionCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sAppearanceCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sBehaviorCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sDatabaseCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sDataCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sDesignCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sDragNDropCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sFocusCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sHelpCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sInputCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sInvalidFilter. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sKeyCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sLayoutCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sLegacyCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sLinkageCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sLocaleCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sLocalizableCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sMiscellaneousCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sMouseCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sPropertyChangeCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sVisualCategoryName. 
This is constant DesignIntf.sWindowStyleName. 
This is function DesignIntf.CreateSelectionList. 
This is function DesignIntf.EnableDemandLoadReport. 
This is function DesignIntf.ForceDemandLoadState. 
This is function DesignIntf.PersistentToDesignObject. 
Registers an editor so that it is available at design time. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterComponentGuidelines. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterCustomModule. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDesignDragObject. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDesignNotification. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterDragTarget. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterIDropTarget. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Registers multiple properties in a specific property category. 
Allows a component to bring up a custom property editor from the Object Inspector. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
Registers a single property in a specific property category. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterPropertyMapper. 
This is function DesignIntf.RegisterSelectionEditor. 
This is function DesignIntf.SetPropertyEditorGroup. 
This is function DesignIntf.UnlistPublishedProperty. 
This is function DesignIntf.UnregisterDesignNotification. 
This is class DesignIntf.IActivatable. 
This is class DesignIntf.IClass. 
IComponentEditor is the interface that the form designer uses to communicate with component editors. 
This is class DesignIntf.IComponentGuidelines. 
This is class DesignIntf.ICustomModule. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDefaultEditor. 
IDesigner is an interface to the form designer in the IDE. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesigner100. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesigner60. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesigner70. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesigner80. 
IDesignerSelections represents a list of persistent objects. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesignNotification. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesignObject. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesignPersistent. 
This is class DesignIntf.IDesignWindow. 
This is class DesignIntf.IEditHandler. 
This is class DesignIntf.IEventInfo. 
This is class DesignIntf.IHostForm interface. 
This is class DesignIntf.IImplementation. 
This is class DesignIntf.IMethodProperty. 
IProperty is the interface that the Object Inspector uses to communicate with property editors. 
This is class DesignIntf.IProperty70. 
This is class DesignIntf.IProperty80. 
This is class DesignIntf.IPropertyControl. 
This is class DesignIntf.IPropertyDescription. 
This is class DesignIntf.IPropertyHost. 
This is class DesignIntf.IPropertyKind. 
This is class DesignIntf.IReferenceProperty. 
This is class DesignIntf.ISelectionEditor. 
This is class DesignIntf.ISelectionEditorList. 
This is class DesignIntf.ISelectionPropertyFilter. 
This is class DesignIntf.IShowReferenceProperty. 
This is class DesignIntf.IWideProperty. 
This is class DesignIntf.IWideProperty10. 
This is class DesignIntf.IWidePropertyDescription. 
This is record DesignIntf.TCustomModuleAttribute. 
This is record DesignIntf.TDemandLoadState. 
This is record DesignIntf.TDesignerGuideType. 
This is record DesignIntf.TEditAction. 
This is record DesignIntf.TEditStates. 
This is record DesignIntf.TPropertyAttribute. 
This is record DesignIntf.TPropKind. 
This is type DesignIntf.IDesignEditQuery. 
This is type DesignIntf.TComponentEditorClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TComponentGuidelinesClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TCustomModuleAttributes. 
This is type DesignIntf.TCustomModuleClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TDragTargetClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TEditState. 
This is type DesignIntf.TEnableDemandLoadReportProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TForceDemandLoadStateProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TGetDesignerEvent. 
This is type DesignIntf.TGetPropProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TGetWideStrProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TPropertyAttributes. 
This is type DesignIntf.TPropertyEditorClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TPropertyEditorFilterFunc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TPropertyMapperFunc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterComponentEditorProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterComponentGuidelines. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterCustomModuleProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterDesignDragObject. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterDesignNotification. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterDragTargetProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterIDropTarget. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterPropertyEditorProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterPropertyInCategoryProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterPropertyMapperProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TRegisterSelectionEditorProc. 
This is type DesignIntf.TSelectionEditorClass. 
This is type DesignIntf.TSetPropertyEditorGroupProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.EnableDemandLoadReportProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.ForceDemandLoadStateProc. 
Indicates whether the Object Inspector treats component properties as expandable subproperties. 
Indicates whether the Object Inspector displays published read-only properties. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterComponentEditorProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterComponentGuidelinesProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterCustomModuleProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterDesignDragObjectProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterDesignNotificationProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterDragTargetProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterIDropTargetProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterPropertyEditorProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterPropertyInCategoryProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterPropertyMapperProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.RegisterSelectionEditorProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.SetPropertyEditorGroupProc. 
This is variable DesignIntf.UnregisterDesignNotificationProc. 
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