RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists classes in this documentation.

TConditionVariableHelper is a class helper for the TRTLConditionVariable record. 
TCriticalSectionHelper is a record helper for the TRTLCriticalSection record. 
TConditionVariableCS allows the use of condition variables in combination with critical sections. 
TConditionVariableMutex allows the use of condition variables in combination with mutexes. 
TCriticalSection allows a thread in a multi-threaded application to temporarily block other threads from accessing a block of code. 
TEvent represents an external event. 
THandleObject is the base class for all thread synchronization objects that use a handle. 
TMutex is a synchronization primitive used to guard a shared resource. 
TSemaphore is a synchronization primitive that manages the concurrent execution of threads, in the context of sharing a common resource. 
TSimpleEvent represents an unnamed manual event object. 
TSynchroObject is the base class for all thread synchronization objects. 
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