Blackfish SQL
Deploying Blackfish SQL Database Applications

When you have finished developing your application, the next step is to deploy it. Deployment involves licensing considerations and determining which Blackfish SQL files are needed for distribution. This chapter discusses the Blackfish SQL distribution files. For information regarding deployment licensing, please contact Customer Support.

  • Deploying Blackfish SQL for Windows Applications
  • Deploying Blackfish SQL for Java Applications

The specific files you will need to distribute depend upon the type of application you have written. The table below provides some guidelines for determining which files to distribute.  

Blackfish SQL for Windows Application Deployment Files

File name 
DbxClientDriver100.bpl DbxCommonDriver100.bpl DbxReadOnlyMetaData100.bpl 
Remote dbExpress driver for Win32 applications that use packages. If you are not using packages, then the driver is linked into the application exe file. 
Borland.Data.DbxClientDriver.dll Borland.Data.DbxCommonDriver.dll Borland.Data.DbxReadOnlyMetaData.dll 
Remote dbExpress driver for .NET applications that use assemblies. If you are not using assemblies, then the driver is linked into the application exe file. 
.NET assembly containing the local ADO.NET provider and the database kernel itself. This is the only file needed for applications that only use the local ADO.NET provider. 
.NET assembly containing the remote ADO.NET provider. 
BSQLServer.exe BSQLServer.exe.config 
Launchers required for launching the server at the command line or as a windows service. You must also deploy Borland.Data.BlackfishSQL.LocalClient.dll with these files. 


Deploying Licenses for Blackfish SQL for Windows

Blackfish SQL for Windows searches the following locations for licensing SLIP files:

  • The blackfishsql.licenseDirectory system property

Set this property by calling the System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData method, or by specifying a setting for this property in the BSQLServer.exe.config file.

  • The directory of the server if you are using a remote driver
  • The directory of the application .exe file that is using a local driver
  • The GAC location of the assembly, if the local driver is in use and has been added to the GAC
  • The CodeGear subdirectory of the System.Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData folder
  • $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\license

The BDSCOMMONDIR environment variable is set when BDS is installed.

Blackfish SQL includes a number of different jar files. The specific files you will need to distribute depend upon the type of application you have written. The table below provides some guidelines for determining which files to distribute.  

Blackfish SQL for Java Application Deployment JAR Files

File Name 
Local DataExpress database connectivity  
Local JDBC database connectivity 
Remote JDBC thin client database connectivity 
Full runtime embedded database server for local and remote JDBC database connectivity 
jdshelp.jar beandt.jar dbtools.jar jdsserver.jar 
Required for JdsServer and JdsExplorer Graphical User Interfaces 
Required for compiling and for visual design of JavaBean components 
Required for Swing-based user interfaces 
Required for AWT-based user interfaces 
<BlackfishSQL_home>/bin/JdsServer Windows: JdsServer.exe 
Launcher for the graphical interface to the Blackfish SQL server  
Configuration file for the JdsServer launcher  
<BlackfishSQL_home>/bin/JdsExplorer Windows: JdsExplorer.exe  
Launcher for the graphical interface to JdsExplorer  
Configuration file for the JdsExplorer launcher  
Blackfish SQL help, accessible directly or through JdsExplorer and JdsServer  


Deploying Licenses for Blackfish SQL for Java

Blackfish SQL for Java searches the following locations for licensing SLIP files:

  • The blackfishsql.licenseDirectory system property

You can set this property by calling the java.lang.System.setProperty method. Specify this property with the -D option on the command line of the Java Virtual Machine:


Alternatively, you can set this property in the JdsServer.config file by adding a vmparam -D statement:

vmparam -DblackfishSQL.licenseDirectory=/mylicenseDir 
  • The Java user.home system property
  • All directories specified in the Java classpath setting
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