Attaching External Documents to the Data Model

Attachments and attachment types offer a structured method for you to associate an external piece of information to your data model. You can extend your metadata this way and include supporting documentation, such as meeting notes, risk analysis and spreadsheets. You can bind attachments to virtually any file or application on your system.

Attachments are organized into two key components:

   Attachment Types: An organizational system where you can group together similar attachments and specify which objects can have this type of attachment bound to them. Attachment Types define the scope of the attachments created underneath them. Use attachment types to organize attachments by either the object types to which they are applied or the scope of the business data they are supposed to capture for a model. Once you create an attachment, you can bind it to any data model objects associated with the attachment type.

   Attachment: Information that you can associate with the diagram objects types selected for the Attachment Type. Attachments can take many different forms such as an external file, a date, or a test list.

Tip:          You can find a good example of a well-structured attachments folder in the Northwind sample model.

This section is comprised of the following topics:

Create and Edit Attachment Types 

Create and Edit Attachments 

Bind an Attachment to an Object 

Bind an Attachment to a Specific Object 

Override an Attachment Value